Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pool recommendations - Tues Oct 7

The Bubble Study group is scheduled to give their recommendations on alternatives to the pool bubble this Tuesday, Oct 7 at 7:30pm in Town Hall.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

I hope they have some good numbers for the costs associated with each of the alternatives and how or who is going to be paying for it all.
In this tough economy one would hope the committee would search out grant funds if available; and more importantly they'll realize they need to redirect the $525,000 given from Amann's discretionary fund towards the pool cover. It can be done. Surely they'll realize turf is out of the question and they'll put the money to better use.

Anonymous said...

Surely they'll realize

I think you're giving the majority a lot more credit than history suggests they deserve.

Anonymous said...

as a dem and a tax payer...I am very disappointed in this whole thing...reading about other towns and performance contracts when we won't even consider one makes me ill. we can have a turf committee and a pool committe but not a performance contract committee....I don't understand...there must be some reason I don't see....why should one minority councilman be responsible for forcing this down the TC's throat?

Anonymous said...

This should be good...
If this town keeps the money for turf and then comes back and tells the town that we need to replace the bubble for millions of more dollars, this will be a death sentence for this TC. this town is sick and tired of that money pit and now they want to use a grant for turf. No Way!
I hope the TC realize that this town will not take this foolish spending any more.