Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An idea for a New Year's resolution

The more things change... the more they stay the same.

Go Bernie Sanders!

In one sign of the times, I've had more people ask me about job leads in 2009 than I had in my previous five years on the Council. Thankfully though, most people still had something... they just aren't making enough.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

What a great video, and what a pity that Obama, Dodd, Pelosi, et al are in bed with the Potter's of the world.

And you thought the Democrats were the party of labor, FDR, and George Baily!

Anonymous said...

December 31, 2009 1:09 PM

You have a problem with reality. Obama, Dodd and Pelosi are not the villains. They didn't create the global mess. The George Bush administration created the mess his majority party never questioned anything. It was athe George Bush administration that created the TARP and was responsible for bailing out the big banks. Then as now the extreme right is under the control of the big bank lobbyists and hare doing their utmost to prevent financial reform. They are still saying that the financial markets are better self regulated and they are still getting paid off.

When are they going to stop being the party of obstruction and start to help to clean up the mess this country is in?e

Anonymous said...

Theres plenty of blame to go around to both parties. Most bank deregulation happened under Clinton, but the full fallout happened under Bush Jr.

1:09, you have a problem with reality. You really don't think that Dodd's personal sweatheart deals with big banks colored his unwillingness to regulate them?

Even if everything you say about Republicans were true, Obama has a supermajority of Democrats who can change whatever they want.

But what do they do? They continue to screw the working and middle classes in favor of the big banks. No FDR there.

Anonymous said...

The above was addressed to 4:29 (not 1:09)

Anonymous said...

Whom does the Potter character in "It's a Wonderful Life" remind you of locally?

Anonymous said...

Whom does the Potter character in "It's a Wonderful Life" remind you of locally?

One or more of the Bowman brothers.