Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Holyday donation suggestions

For information on some causes I believe to be worthwhile, you can visit Cheshire Cares.

And for two good causes in town, you can make checks payable to: "Cheshire Youth and Social Services Fuel Bank." And mail it to:

Cheshire Youth & Social Services
84 South Main ST.
Cheshire, CT 06410

Or make a check payable to: "Cheshire Food Drive."

PO Box 926
Cheshire, CT 06410

Tim White


the true spirit of Christmas said...

Congratulations to Mayor Tim Slocum for appealing Tuesday night to all town residents to donate to the Cheshire Fuel and Food Banks, as they are able.

Many of our neighbors right here in town have been laid off and are forced to rely on the Fuel and Food Banks to get their families through the winter.

Thank you also to all Council members. Each one has pledged to donate -- a wonderful, non-partisan gesture in the true spirit of the holidays.

Breachway said...

You forgot about the Turf Fund....where do I send my check...snicker,snicker

Anonymous said...

Holyday ????????

Anonymous said...

originally the word was "holyday" as in holy day.
Is this a Freudian slip by Tim?
Quick, call the ACLU !!

Anonymous said...

Yes, both good causes. If instead of donating money we wanted to donate a bag of groceries, where would we bring them?

tim white said...

I suggest bringing non-perishables to either Town Hall or St. Bridget's.

FWIW, I was helping with the cash count for the CT Food Bank drive before Thanksgiving. A very common donation was Stop'n'Shop gift cards for $10 to $25. I'd guess that of the $10,000 or $12,000 that we counted that night... at least 25% was in SnS gift cards.

Mother Teresa said...

the aclu isn't perfect but you would be the first one using their services if your rights were violated.