Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Senator Bunning on the Bernanke reappointment (9,10/14)

Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) offered the following prepared comments during the December 3 reappointment hearing of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. I felt these two paragraphs needed to be read together, so here are parts nine and ten in a fourteen part series:

Now, I want to read you a quote: “I believe that the tools available to the banking agencies, including the ability to require adequate capital and an effective bank receivership process are sufficient to allow the agencies to minimize the systemic risks associated with large banks. Moreover, the agencies have made clear that no bank is too-big-too-fail, so that bank management, shareholders, and un-insured debt holders understand that they will not escape the consequences of excessive risk-taking. In short, although vigilance is necessary, I believe the systemic risk inherent in the banking system is well-managed and well-controlled.”

That should sound familiar, since it was part of your response to a question I asked about the systemic risk of large financial institutions at your last confirmation hearing. I’m going to ask that the full question and answer be included in today’s hearing record.

Tim White

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