Sunday, December 27, 2009

Homelessness in CT & Cheshire

The CTPost's John Burgeson wrote this piece on homelessness in CT. It's probably a pretty rare moment when anyone discusses homelessness in Cheshire, but I've heard confirmed reports of homeless people living in Cheshire.

Tim White


cedar lane said...

This is a frightening article. Increasingly, the homeless are people who've worked all their lives, have no drug, alchohol, or mental issues, but who've fallen through the ice for no fault of their own.

Gov. Rell was wrong to try to cut state funds for the homeless (and I am a Republican who likes Jodi). The state and towns have a basic moral responsibility to prevent people from freezing and starving to death. There but for the grace of God go I.

Anonymous said...

cedar lane is correct and a few people tried to call attention to this in cheshire and will be out there in cheshire again all this week.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Cheshire have a food pantry for people in need?

Contoured Views said...

Cheshire does have a Food Pantry at St. Bridgets. All they have to do is contact the Social Services at the town hall and they will direct them to what they need to do. They also provide $30 grocery vouchers good at Stop & Shop or Everybody's.
From what I understand, 90 to 100 people a week go to the Food Pantry at St. Bridgets for assistance.
It is amazing that more people in this town don't know about these services that are available.
I have helped the homeless in New Haven and I haven't seen it this bad in a long time. Many of the people I see look like they could be a neighbor or co-worker. I am sure they have many stories.

It is sad.
Those of us who are more fortunate should remember these people, especially as the weather gets worse.
There but for the grace of God go I.

Bill said...

So we live in a town that places a priority on dog & cat health. We have Friends of the Feral Cats, we have dog & cat hotels with plush beds, large screen tv's, special meals and massage. Now we are trying to construct a dog park, not to mention the dog & cat food in the store is better than many human foods.

What happened to our concern for our human friends that have not done so well. We do not have the backbone to to deal with these people.

Matthew 25 said...

Just a reminder that donations can be made to the:

Cheshire Fuel Bank: Make Checks payable to: "Cheshire Youth and Social Services Fuel Bank" and send to: Cheshire Youth & Social Services 84 South Main St. Cheshire, CT 06410.

Cheshire Food Bank: Make Checks payable to:"Cheshire Food Drive" and send to: PO Box 926 Cheshire, CT 06410

"Whatsoever you did for one of the least of my brethren you did also for Me."

Anonymous said...

"Whatsoever you did for one of the least of my brethren you did also for Me."

That certainly would sound pretty socialistis to some who rant and rave against the healthcare reform and what about the deficit? It seems that those more fortunate are willing to fight against people in need, even though they or a family member could easily become one of them.

Contoured Views said...

Donations can also be made to:
Cheshire Food Pantry at St. Bridget's
175 Main St.
Cheshire, CT 06410
(203) 699-9226

The Food Drive money will go to cover the cost of the $30 vouchers that are handed out by the town.
The Cheshire Food Pantry money is used to help subsidize non-food items that are needed my many such as infant formula, feminine products, etc.

Many residents may not know the difference between the 2 groups.
They are now working together to help feed this community.

Either place you donate to will help those less fortunate than us.

cedar lane said...

Anon 9:35:
Many who oppose the current plans for healthcare reform are not against providing healthcare to people in need, but are against the specific ways the Dems want to do it. They want to set up a centralized federal bureaucracy to remove decision-making from patients and doctors. The feds can’t even run Medicare and Medicaid, and now they want to take over the whole healthcare system. Reforms yes. Obamacare no.

tim white said...

I recently asked town staff about where there was more need: fuel bank or food bank?

The answer (a few weeks ago) was that the fuel bank is in greater need... though they can both use help.

And I'm glad to say that Council Chair Slocum's call for donations received bipartisan Council support.

Anonymous said...

"They want to set up a centralized federal bureaucracy to remove decision-making from patients and doctors."

This is crazy, patients and doctors don't make the decisions, the insurance companies make them to enrich their bottom line.

Medicare, medicaid and the VA hospitals are run by the government and these allow patients and doctors to make the decisions.

Do you understand that our government is for and by the people, and that it is run by people we choose. We don't elect insurance executives and they don't have to answer to anyone, including the stockholders. health.

Anonymous said...

“our government is for and by the people, and that it is run by people we choose”

And how is that working out? Your Democratic Congress has the approval of only 18% of the American people because the Dems are just as beholden to lobbyists, big banks, and big business as any Republican. No wonder a majority of the American people oppose Obama’s government takeover of healthcare, and would rather take their chances with competition by the private insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

"Your Democratic Congress has the approval of only 18%."

Where are you getting your information, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Sept. 19-23, 2009. N=1,042 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

In general, is your opinion of the Democrats in Congress favorable or not favorable?"

Sept 2009 Favorable 47%
not Favorable 41%
Not Sure 12%

Maybe your looking at the Republican rating.

Anonymous said...

Oct. 09: Gallop survey:
Approval of Congress Falls to 21%, Driven by Democrats

I repeat:
the Dems are just as beholden to lobbyists, big banks, and big business as any Republican. No wonder a majority of the American people oppose Obama’s government takeover of healthcare, and would rather take their chances with competition by the private insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans dragged it down with their attitude to do nothing but attack anything Obama does. It is sad that the National Republican party doesn't do anything to help to solve the many problems that they created or did not address during the 8 years they controlled both the legislature and the executive, and they did nothing to control the Bush admministration.

Thank goodness Cheshire's Republican party is made up of people who want to make Cheshire the best place to live.