Tuesday, December 02, 2008

DTC nominates Sheldon Dill

I've heard from three people so far this evening, Sheldon Dill was nominated by the Democratic Town Committee to fill state Rep-elect Elizabeth Esty's to-be-vacated 1st District Council seat.

Sheldon represented the Council's 1st district from (approximately) January 1999 until August 2005. He originally filled the seat vacated by Al Adinolfi, when Al ran for the 103rd state House seat and won. Sheldon then left his Council seat to focus on his then-new role running the Cheshire Chamber of Commerce.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Tim....Don't drink the Kool-Aid on him.
He is a flip flopper.
I will never understand how a person who is head of a Chamber would be in favor of a new mall being built. SWhouldn't he be looking out for the well being of the businesses? Will he continue that role?He turned his back on the local businesses and the Republican party.
The Dems and their merry men own him and they will pull the strings so he will go along with whatever they wish.
I hope the Republicans will vote against his nomination just as a show of solidarity against a turn coat.

Anonymous said...

When became CofC director, he said he was leaving the Council because the CofC director should not appear partisan. So what's changed ?

Anonymous said...

He better not be in Fisk's pocket on the Strathmore Dam

Anonymous said...

In yesterday's NHR, B6, Dill supports Paul Bowman and Frank DiNatali's plan to turn the RP Downey restaurant into a mixed use retail, apts and coffee shop. Dill says it would be very positive for this part of town. Huh! Do we need another coffee shop?

Wasn't Dill a major supporter of the W/S mall that was to be built on land owned by Paul Bowman, Frank DiNatali and Doug Calcagni?

I remember so many mall supporters saying that there were no good restaurants in Cheshire. Wouldn't it be nice for those mall supporters, to have the RP Downey's building opened as a restaurant?

Anonymous said...

Another complete joke. He starts out as a "R" and in order to be approved for Director of the Chamber he resigns the Council and becomes a "A". Now the D's want him he becomes a "D". A perfect example of no a person with no morals and ethics. How can the Director of the Chamber of Commerce serve on the Town Council without having bias to the the agenda of the Chamber? When you really look at it how can the majority of the Town Council and BOE serve without a conflict of interest. Sheldon brings no value to the Council.