Thursday, December 18, 2008

Some committee assignments and what they mean

From the MRJs Amanda Falcone:

Sen. Thomas P. Gaffey, D-Meriden, was assigned to four legislative committees by Senate President Pro Tem Donald E. Williams Jr., D-Brooklyn, Thursday.

Gaffey will remain as chairman of the Education Committee and will stay a member of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, but he will no longer serve on the Legislative Management Committee.

Does anyone happen to know if being removed from the Legislative Management Committee is a demotion of sorts? I seem to recall that's the Committee that decides everything, but I'm really not sure.

Separately, I understand that Rep. Nardello got a promotion from Vice-Chair of the Energy & Technology Committee to Chair. I congratulate Vickie. On the other hand, I understand Rep. Fritz was effectively demoted by losing something considered important by the Gang of 187. Maybe she lost her Deputy House Speaker title? Anybody know?

Neither of the changes surprise me on the House side. Outgoing Speaker Amann was known as a centrist Democrat, supporting Lieberman after the primary... opposing civil unions too I think. And Rep. Fritz followed in his footsteps.

But incoming Speaker Donovan is known to be from the more liberal wing of the party... along with Rep. Nardello. So it seems on the House side, these changes mirror the preferences of the two Speakers.

Tim White

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