08/09 Capital budget - Schools overview
Here's the consolidated capital budget for the schools:Here's the "code compliance" portion. Btw, didn't we just spend $100,000 on planning for actual construction of this code compliance project this year?
Roof replacement (which would be considered if the school got solar panels... either thermal or electric - a.k.a. photovoltaics):
Renovation (I'll post more info on this, but not tonight)
Tim White
Highland School shows a request for HVAC units for $300,000 in 08-09. It makes no sense to me why at the end of the 07-08 year that several A/C window units were purchased when they knew the request for replacing the roof units would be in the first year of the capital budget. Seems like a waste of money to have purchased those window units just because the present HVAC units were not running in tip top shape. I wonder who will get the window units when the roof units are replaced. Will they go into some classroom or will they walk themselves out the door?
Looks like quite a bit of money is needed for air quality issues and window replacements. Both are important issues and one could say they are real "needs" of the district.
It baffles me to think the superintendent would support the idea of a turf field being installed when he has more important issues to deal with. I guess he's counting on getting the turf by 09-10 as I see he has a request for $200,000 for track resurfacing. I suppose with a million dollar football field he'd need a nice new track. When the turf goes in they probably have to rip up the old track just to do it.
Talk about a waste of money!
I think the taxpayers should vote on the priorities and costs of these projects. Our buildings and infrastrutures should come before fields.
If the superintendent is requesting $300,000 in Energy Improvements (HVAC) why is the town manager recommending $330,000 (over 2 years)?
$11 million is a huge chunk of money. How is this all getting paid for? Why are we wasting money on a turf field when supposedly there's all these other things that need repair or replacement?
Where are the priorities?
The traffic situation at our high school has deteriorated over the years to its current incredibly poor state. Dropping one’s child off in the morning, picking up a child after school and just finding adequate parking for a planned visit to the high school on a normal working day is at the almost unbearable level. Additionally, the current layout makes crossing the driveways to get into the building dangerous for all involved. The high school administrators turn a blind eye to this situation daily while they root for artificial turf playing surfaces which they can use and also rent out to their favorite non-school activities as well.
How come there doesn’t appear to be any item addressing fixing the long standing inadequate parking and traffic flow at the high school? Our superintendent assured all of us the safety of our children was most important in association with the turf issues.
How about some child safety activities which are meaningful concerning the traffic problems encountered daily at the high school under his control.
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