Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hayes has a costly, constant suicide watch

From the NHRs Luther Turmelle:

The co-chairman of the General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee said Monday he believes the state has spent $200,000 to $500,000 providing a one-on-one, around-the-clock suicide watch for one of the two men accused in the July 2007 murders of a Cheshire woman and her two daughters.

“Systemwide, it costs about $45,000 per inmate per year,” Lawlor said. “This is a lot of money at a time when we’re in a budget situation where we have to make a lot of significant cuts. The question here is whether this is warranted.”

The cost of taking care of some inmates in the system who have psychiatric problems is higher than the systemwide average, Lawlor said.

“There are some inmates at the Northern Correctional Institution who cost above $100,000 per year to take care of,” he said.

Wish we could have a speedy trial and finish this.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Rep. Lawlor is a hypocrite.

Rowland sent hundreds of convicts to VA where the prison costs are lower and Lawlor took the side of the crying families of the jailbirds and demanded they be brought back to CT. Where it costs more to incarcerate them.

Why don't we leave Hayes in an unsupervised cell with long shoelaces, anyway? maybe after 20 plus convictions he's sick of jail

Anonymous said...

Give him some tools and implements; razor,rope, sleeping pills with a bottle of water. Install a camera and let the public watch him...and remove the personal 24 hr suicide watch.

Anonymous said...

After this monster did unspeakable acts to those little girls, they died screaming as he set them on fire. And now we'll have Elizabeth Esty to join Lawler in the liberal chorus for compassionate treatment for such monsters.

The Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy trial. SOCIETY has a right to their speedy trial. There's no reason why they couldn't get a full, fair trial, including all appeal rights, within 3 years -- except that the LAWYERS have built the system to ensure not justice, but procra$tination, in their own $elf-intere$t.

Anonymous said...

Since the taxpayers are paying for their defense lawyers of course we will not see a speedy trial. Then they can't rack up all those billable hours enriching themselves on behalf of these life forms.

It's a sad commentary when lawyers representing people facing eviction are laid off but Hayes and Komisarjevsky get the best legal defense our tax dollars can buy