The Waterbury paper says that Assessor Panagrosso & Milone will discuss and explain the revaluation process at Tuesday's meeting. How come it's not listed on the agenda?
... for the same reason that Matt Hall's apology for publicly cursing at the Council meeting is not on the agenda -- it either ain't gonna happen, or it will it will consist of meaningless b-- sh--.
The Waterbury paper says that Assessor Panagrosso & Milone will discuss and explain the revaluation process at Tuesday's meeting. How come it's not listed on the agenda?
... for the same reason that Matt Hall's apology for publicly cursing at the Council meeting is not on the agenda -- it either ain't gonna happen, or it will it will consist of meaningless b-- sh--.
When was this meeting changed from an informal meeting between the Council & BOE in a small room to the Council chambers?
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