Friday, April 18, 2008

Council agenda 4/22

This should be an interesting meeting.

Here's some supporting documents for the boiler project:There's a lot more project info in the "Council packet" for me to read, but if I recall correctly... it was CT Combustion that originally won this bid... before everything started going wrong and getting rebid, etc.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

CT Combustion should get the job since they originally won the bid. Strange how Bowman is now getting it.
Is there legal recourse for CT Combustion?

Anonymous said...

How many times will the geese be a TC agenda item? We have more important things to worry about. The park and rec people should be able to resolve it. What's their problem?

Anonymous said...

Interested in learning more about the turf field -

Anonymous said...

Tim, What were the revenues from the Pequot/Mohegan grant originally intended to be used for?

Why are we shifting $325K from the Pequot/Mohegan revenues to increase the debt service by $188K (and H & H by $137.5K)?

Tim White said...

I've heard that the Pequot money originally was to be spent on education.

But then our tax dollars were never intended to be diverted to a slush fund controlled by Jim Amann.

these aren't the droids you're looking for. move along.

Anonymous said...

We should see the bid history for the Norton boiler. Who bid what amount in each round. If I remember right CT Combustion original bid was lower than Bowman's current bid but CT Combustion wanted a 16K increase due to lack of town staff to do their job on time. Even with the 16k issue CT Combustion would have been and still is lower than Bowman.

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, CT Combustion won the first and second bids (both were nullified), then White Bowman (no relation to me!) won the third bid.

This whole thing is just ridiculous and makes the Council look terrible, IMO. I mean... three bids?? The discussion should be an interesting demonstration on The Art of Rubberstamping.

Anonymous said...

What no turf committee item on the agenda?? Oh that's right, it's "earth week", you know, "go green," "stop global warming." Turf won't fit in on the agenda. Guess they'll put it on next month!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the geese will move from Mixville to the new turf field.

Anonymous said...

Tim, Doesn't the council vote to accept the bid from a company. If they voted twice and accepted CT Combustion's bid, how can it just become "nullified?"

What about Robert's Rules of Order - rescinding votes, 2/3 majority, etc. The rules are complicated but should be followed. The council just can't change their minds. It's crazy!!

Anonymous said...

What about Robert's Rules of Order

But this Council follows Robert's Rules of Rubberstamping.

I suggest you watch the meeting tomorrow... maybe even attend! I've definitely got some questions to ask, but there's just so much information on this story... it's difficult to even comprehend the magnitude (and nuance) of this.

Anonymous said...

This whole bid process stinks and the discussion last night proved it. You have local clown that thinks they run the town with influence on construction, plumbing, contributions to political parties and even hire a waitress at the building they own. What new low levels of influence will they stoop to. The town caved into them, created reasons not to award to CT Combustion and now are trying to wriggle their way out. The level of arrogance in this town by the majority party, the Supt of Schools and the Tow Manger is almost beyond belief. Nothing is a surprise anymore.