Who's withholding information? (Norton boiler 8)
As I mentioned in yesterday's post about "Being kept in the dark,"... as of April 22, I thought that staff had received this memo on April 7 (I've excluded the strongly worded middle of the memo):and staff had decided to leave me (and all nine Council members) in the dark.* However, upon reviewing this video from April 8:
Council Chair Matt Hall seems to be acutely aware of the above memo from CT Combustion to the Town Manager (granted, there could be another memo, but I haven't seen it yet... and that would make this episode even more troubling).
So my question is... did the Town Manager make the Council Chairman aware of this memo between the time of receipt (you can see it arrived via fax at 01:31AM on April 7, so I'll assume the TM saw this by 8:00AM on April 7) and the time of the Regular Council meeting (7:30PM on April 8)?
And if so, did the Council Chairman direct the Town Manager to withhold the "corruption" memo from me (and others) and to exclude the "corruption" memo from his Town Manager's report on April 8?
And if so, where does the Chairman get the authority to withhold information from other Council members?
Or was the decision to withhold this information made by the Town Manager?
And if so, what authority is given to the Town Manager to inform the Chairman of certain information, but withhold that information from other Council members?
Taken in the context of this memo:
Did the Council Chairman attempt to cover up HotWatergate by directing the Town Manager to withhold this information from GOP Council members?
And if so, then when Democratic Council members learned that litigation was possible (the litigation document I have is stamped "confidential," but the town fax timestamp reads "Apr 02 08 03:36pm"), did they begin requesting information from the Town Manager?
And if so, then after eleven days (April 7 to April 18 - when Council packets were being delivered) did the Town Manager decide that he could no longer support a possible attempt by the Chairman to withhold information from GOP Council members?
Did staff decide that the "corruption" memo would need to be distributed to all Council members... regardless of party affiliation?
Since the taxpayers are getting screwed for an additional $70,000 for this botched project (plus attorney fees, wasted staff time and unnecessary heating costs due to the extended life of both an inefficient boiler and inefficient windows), I think the taxpayers have a right to get answers from the Chairman and Town Manager to the above questions.
And remember... if it weren't for Democratic Council members asking for copies of the "corruption" memo...or for the State Marshall-delivered CT Combustion "book"... it seems that GOP Council members may never have learned of this mess. And this whole thing would be chalked up as just another PBC project gone awry (now repeat after me... P-O-O-L).
Tim White
* This would be nothing new for staff. In more than four years on the Council, I've repeatedly requested that I not learn of town issues by reading the newspapers.