Thursday, November 12, 2009

Amann knows how to "fix" the budget crisis

“I guarantee no one would know how to fix the budget crisis except for me,” - former Speaker of the House Jim "Crusher" Amann (CTNewsJunkie, by Christine Stuart)

For those of you who are unaware, the $525,000 turf grant came from Crusher's annual $12,000,000 slush fund discretionary fund. Furthermore, the annual $12,000,000 discretionary fund exists for CTs Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate President. That's a total of $36,000,000 spent annually by those three individuals without direct vote of the legislature on how the funds are spent.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

I wanna laugh but if he's elected I know I'll wanna cry!!

But didn't Altieri say there wasn't any "slush fund"? Guess it doesn't matter what he says now.

Anonymous said...

This person should just stay retired from polits.