Why I enjoy working with the Energy Commission
Here's an example of an email I got recently:
The meeting to discuss the Sylvania LED retrofit units for outdoor lighting this past Wednesday provided some interesting ideas. Bob Armstrong came as a representative for Jason Pelletier and gave a demonstration of the Sylvania unit in an acorn lamp assembly. Some points made were:
- The 40 watt unit replaces a 250 watt HID lamp, and has no ballast which represents additional energy savings (a 150 watt unit has a 38 watt ballast).
- The unit is 'dark sky' rated (needed for LEED).
- Warranty is 5 years, with an expected life of 12 years.
- Unit provides white light with two optional temperatures, 4900 and 5700 degrees Kelvin (different amount of blue component).
- Two light 'footprints" are available, one for sidewalks (rectangular) and one for parking lots (circular).
- Cost per unit is $550 with quantity discounts available (maybe grant money from the Utility Co. too).
- Central Connecticut State seem to be planning a major use (500 units?).
- The 40 watt unit requires a space about 12 inches square in the light assembly and is simply attached with wire nuts to the supply.
- A 55 watt unit designed to replace a 400 watt HID will be available shortly.
- A unit with a smaller 6.5 inch space requirement will be available shortly.
The addition of a smaller unit and an increased wattage will likely substantially increase the number of Town outdoor applications for this technology. There is the potential for a significant energy savings program. Since Sylvania does not have all the elements to market yet a good way to get started might be to instal four units in the Town Hall parking area. This would allow for a direct comparison with existing lighting, provide the Town electricians with first hand experience of any installtion issues and be a very visible reference point for future discussions.
The email may bore some people, but I find it really educational. And these types of discussion may not only lead the town to saving money... it may also be an appropriate project to be incorporated into a townwide performance contract.
Tim White
1 comment:
It is too bad; the Energy Commission has done many wonderful things over the past many years, the problem is the Town Manger has refused to entertain the ideas. When the idea of performance contracting was suggested he refused and hid behind the legal consul of the past Town Attorney; who was incapable or refused to attempt to understand the issue.
The real issue here is control. When a Town would enter into a performance contract they promise to pay. The objection for Cheshire was what would happen if we choose not to pay? They assumed the equipment would be removed from the building.
If the Town Manager does not have utter and complete control over every financial he is against it.
Norton school boiler could have been done under a performance contract, Highland school can be done the same way not to mention the high school. The powers that be do not want this to happen because they do control local people that do performance based contracts. When the Bowman's offer this option they jump all over it.
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