Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Robert Tagliaferi, Cheshire's burglar, is finally headed to prison

The NHRs William Kaempffer reports that Cheshire resident Robert Tagliaferi is headed to prison for all those burglaries here in Cheshire and environs between the summer of 2007 and into the following winter.


The jig was up Friday. Wearing khaki prison garb, the diminutive man pleaded guilty to 14 break-ins in Greater New Haven in 2007 and 2008. He faces 10 years in prison with his continued cooperation with an ongoing federal investigation; 16 if he doesn’t.

The story is rather odd. It supposedly involves the mob.

You can read the rest here.

Tim White

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The burglars robbing our tax money in Town Hall should swing too. Some of them are also diminutive.. but most of them are more roly-poly.