Sunday, August 23, 2009

Andy Falvey on the 09/10 capital budget

Council candidate and former BOE member, Andy Falvey (R-3), asks questions about the 09/10 Capital Budget:

After Andy spoke, I asked Councilman Ecke to clarify how the Capital non-recurring fund is spent / used. Basically, it's a fund that typically gets $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 on an annual basis (via the nearly $100,000,000 operating budget). Then projects are covered with the fund. However, in a case like this year when assumed town revenues may be low... staff may hold back on various projects... essentially maintaining a balanced budget by offsetting lower-than-anticipated revenues with lower-than-anticipated expenses.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

He's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone who will represent the 3rd district. We've been without representation even before she had her baby.

Anonymous said...

Andy is a good candidate. He was great on the Board of Ed. He asked questions - never just rubber stamped everything that came before him. Can't wait til he gets on the council.