Thursday, May 10, 2007

Open forum 5/11

Here's the Herald's take on the Monday's PZC meeting (by Leslie Hutchison) and on the Council visit to the collapsing aqueduct (by Leslie Hutchison).

And as I mentioned a few days ago, I'm not comfortable with government (federal and state) paying for 100% of this culvert/aqueduct project. I understand there is a community aspect to this collapsing aqueduct, but my basic philosophy is that with rights (such as the right to own and develop land) come responsibilities (such as the responsibility to address the collapsing aqueduct). I don't mean to paint this particular issue with such a broad stroke, but this is my personal governing philosophy.

The Council will be having a "bike tour" meeting on Sunday at 9am. We'll meet at Lock 12 parking lot (the one adjacent to Rte 42). Residents are welcome to attend this "meeting." It will be tour of the 4th district and is intended to be the first of four tours that will cover each of the four districts. I like the idea of this... and credit goes to the Town Manager for it.

State Rep. Al Adinolfi was mentioned in this week's Hamden Journal. Again, the topic was "plan B." (by Ken Hoffman)

Recently I had someone mention to me that the state is six months behind in paying its bills. Does anyone happen to know if that's true? If so, this could have a direct impact on the state's cash flows and, in turn, artificially inflate the size of the so-called budget "surplus." Maybe I'll give Nancy Wyman a call. (Btw, I say "so-called" because we are so underfunded in terms of our long term liabilities, IMO, there is no surplus... just irresponsible elected officials in Hartford.)

State Senator John McKinney (R-Fairfield) is back pushing his bill to ban trans fats (AP). Based on the article, the bill does not appear to address land use issues... a shortcoming that could haunt the US if there were a nationwide ban on the use of trans fats in restaurants.

I was glad to turn on CSpan last night and see the Energy Security Leadership Council testifying in front of the US Senate. I hope the US Congress will compromise, accepting something similar to their comprehensive reform proposal and move forward on both increased use of alternative fuels and increased drilling in North America (as well as increasing CAFE standards)... the situation (in the middle east) is too serious for partisanship.

MLB is in fullswing. Of the teams that I know are represented on the Council, the Sox and Mets are doing pretty well... can't say the same for the other two teams cheered by Council members... and although I can't publicly wish the Yankees well, I'm pretty sure that I'm allowed to wish Matt Altieri's Athletics well... that AL central division is looking good though... as usual, the AL wild card will be tough to win.

What else is happening?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

I don't like legislation that tells people how to prepare their food but TRANS FATS are bad for everyone.

Anonymous said...

My impression is that the reason there's 100% federal/state funding for culvert/aqueduct repair is that this is substantially of "community interest" (versus in the private interest of the landowner).

A property owner no more "owns" the river or stream that flows across his land than he owns the wildlife or air that travels across it. Lacking absolute ownership rights over the stream, he doesn't bear exclusive responsibility for its upkeep.

I'm not adressing the particular owners or development potentials of the adjasent land here, just the legal principle that the stream is not really "owned" by the property owner. Am I correct in my legal understanding?

Tim White said...

5:01 I'm not a lawyer and I'm not sure if you're correct. But I'll point out your comment about "exclusive responsibility."

I didn't mean to suggest the property owners bear exclusive responsibility. I just suggested that gov't doesn't bear exclusive responsibility.

That's why I acknowledged there is a "community aspect."

Anonymous said...

What about flooding on South Brooksvsle Rd. Was the state working on that? Has it been resolved?

Tim White said...

7:09 flooding on South Brooksvale or North Brooksvale?

flooding on N Brooksvale has not been resolved.

But as long as the DOT continues to hire inspection companies like MaGuire... who have lead inspectors like William Fritz...

Why would you expect problems to be resolved?

the DOT Commissioner Carpenter needs to go.