Saturday, May 12, 2007

FEMA on April 15 flood

Excerpted from an AP article:

President Bush on Friday declared a disaster designation for parts of Connecticut following last month's powerful nor'easter that dumped up to 8 inches of rain in the state.

The disaster designation, sought by Gov. M. Jodi Rell and the state's congressional delegation, makes Connecticut eligible for federal funds, helping cover some of the $43 million in expenses incurred by state and local governments and property owners from the April 15 storm....

Homeowners and renters could be eligible for grants and low-interest loans, and businesses could qualify for such loans.

I couldn't help but notice that FEMA is offering two options: grants and loans.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

Grants and loans. Big difference?
Land owners, homeowners and renters. Big difference?
FEMA will take care of this. Katrina comes to mind. Good luck sorting this out.

Tim White said...

I've always understood that:

loans are made on the condition of reimbursement

grants are made with no condition for reimbursement

Anonymous said...

Paul Bowman and Doug Calcagni should not qualify for either. They don't care about this town, why should taxpayers cough up the money?

Anonymous said...

What about the third owner of the property? Does he or she care about the town, would you cough up the money for him or her?

Anonymous said...

Who is the third owner?

Anonymous said...

It is TriStar isn't it? It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Do your own research instead of relying on newspapers to do your dirty work. Just shows how reliable your sources truly are.

Anonymous said...

Why should they pay if there is federal money? It is money that is available for this reason. You people just hate anyone who is actually working.

Anonymous said...

"It is TriStar isn't it? It doesn't take a genius"

Well your no genius. Can't understand the question? Who is the 3rd owner of Tristar LLC. Everybody know Bowman and Calcagni are the other owners.

"Why should they pay if there is federal money?"

Why should I pay federal taxes to provide welfare for the rich? You call that work?

Are you a Bowman or a Calcagni?

Anonymous said...

6:10. You do your own research and figure it out. On second thought maybe thats too much of an extra effort.

Anonymous said...

You all seem so concerned with what is going on with the North End development and you believe that the communities best interest should be put first. Even pefore the problems on the land, so many of you wanted this private property to be treated like a commonwealth. Which I neither agree or disagree. Yet once the problem arouse and the "community"/your taxes would contribute to the restoration you want nothing to do with it and throw back the "private property" argument. You all need to pick a side and stop speaking out of both sides of your mouths.

Anonymous said...

The State was denied . I guess we will appeal. What happens after if we are denied. Does Cheshire pay? This was to be fixed some 25 years ago. Why now. Many questions need to be answered.