Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Emergency meeting

The following is largely quoted from an email that I received earlier today from Town Hall:

There is an EMERGENCY MEETING of the Town Council tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers re: the potential safety hazard at the aqueduct by the Ten Mile River... the collapse of the stone arch culvert has created the potential for a complete blockage of the Ten Mile River, which would cause significant damage to this community.

As a result of a meeting yesterday with engineers, various state officials, representatives from the National Resource Conservation Service, the property owner and Town staff, a visit to the site, and a subsequent meeting this morning with staff and the Town Attorney, it is advisable to address this matter immediately.

Council will be asked to authorized application for state and federal aid, and to grant permission to begin remediation (since the aqueduct is on private property) the Town Attorney will have additional information at the meeting, including the Town's options for cost recovery.

The previously scheduled joint Planning and Budget Committee meeting will follow this emergency meeting. And one last note... we've been told we'll get the 65-page pool consultant report tonight.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

What? Big issue?

Anonymous said...

Why should federal, state or local taxpayers bear the burden for any corrective action. It's on private property and should be the sole responsibility of the owner.

It's bad enough that the owners want to destroy the character of Cheshire, but now they want financial help to fix their property? What's wrong with this picture.

They have the money, let them do the repairs.

Anonymous said...

How do you know that they don't want to do the repairs?

Anonymous said...

Even if this needs some work I still want the project to continue and to get those good shoppes and rest. and movies up there.
It is a done deal
Jump back in your tin lizzy
Get in the game ol timer
WS gonna get cha
with good stuff that aint open space

Tim White said...

I feel there were two issues addressed tonight:

1) there's a potentially serious situation that needs to be remediated... on this, everyone seemed to agree.

2) funding for the project... David Orsini made his sentiments quite clear that the property owners should pay for this. I agree with him. However, there were lots of legal issues that made this discussion less straightforward than the issue of fixing the problem.

I asked that the Council remain in the loop on both issues.

The goal for the completion of this emergency fix (a more permanent fix will likely be required) is under two weeks.

No word on when a permanent fix would/could happen.

Council tentatively set a hiking tour of the aqueduct for this Saturday morning at 9am. It's on private property, but I'm guessing anyone could attend.

Tim White said...

total proposed budget for this project: $530,000

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't assume anyone can go along. This has been portrayed as is a serious safety hazard. You saw the huge sinkhole in the pictures that were presented. It may be a terrific and relevent curiousity but I don't think boatloads of citizens on private property is not what is envisioned here.

Tim White said...

Good point. I'm not a lawyer, but public safety would probably preempt inclusion in a meeting.

Bottom line, I'm not sure. So if you're interested, please call Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

For the person still pushing for this text change . Wise up. This should go foward no matter what. I think not. The P&Z should require more input before making this decision. If they don't do this for the safety of it's citizens they should be sued.

Anonymous said...

For taxpayers to pay for this is ridiculous. Calcagni and Bowman have plenty of money. It's private property, they own it, have plenty of money and they should fix their property so that it is not a danger to the community. Why should taxpayers pay for the initial work to build their strip mall.

Enough with welfare for the rich.

Anonymous said...

This is why putting the cart before the horse does not work. All studies should be done before anything happens at the IC zone. THe Zoning board should deny this request before more time is wasted.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:33 You must have been on vacation. Start informing yourself. Quickly.

Anonymous said...

This is why W/S wants to pass this so quickly. There are many concerns. Great flyer in this weeks Herald. This is the smoke and mirrors insert. No wonder the Herald keeps valuable information from the public. $$$$$. How does this developer get to do this but the public can't even submit letters to the P&Z after 5/7 according to Lisa Murphy, Asst. Town planner(CH 5/3). Why is Attorney Fazzone giving false information to The Herald regarding this? Was he maybe "misquoted"? It does effect the other 300 acres (which his family owns part of). This proposal pertains only to this 100 acres but there is nothing to stop this or another developer requesting a change on the remaining land. Once this is approved the developer will bring Cheshire to court on the basis that it was already approved once. THEY WILL WIN! Shame on these people. Where is our Town Attorney? Will he ever give legal opinion on this? When, after the decision? Why wasn't the public ever given more notice on this. Many towns post huge signs on the property in question so people are aware. Should Cheshire have done this? I wonder if all legal protocols were followed? The public is very confused on this matter and they need clarification ASAP. Maybe a public forum where the town attorney can explain the true facts in laymans terms. This should be demanded...

Anonymous said...

The public is not confused, THEY WANT IT BUILT.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:27 Expand your circle of friends. Your entourage is feeding you what you want to hear. Movie theatres? Cheshire had Two. One is a beautiful empty lot. Hint. They're not a good investment. Oh, you probably heard that the one near by is closing soon to be a (box store)? W/S builds box-stores don't they?

Anonymous said...

What is our Public Works Dept. going on private property and providing free work? Thanks Dave Orsini for saying that the land owner should pay. I would like to see the bill they send. It will be public record. Why didn't they send the PWD to fill the mines? Follow the money.

Anonymous said...

Shrumm and Orsini have the taxpayer in heart. Both said, why should taxpayers cover the private
property of big developers.

Hooray for Shrumm and Orsini.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right Schrumm and Orsini are for the taxpayers. I got some land to sell you also.
They are bitter old men who are seeing their last days in public office, Throw them out!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

throw them out

them = shrumm, orsini, ahll, ecke, altieri, white, vistonti

esty and rocco can stay.

the others have been in to long.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell wants to run for office in this crazy town? Some nuts run the town behind the scenes and anybody that asks sensible questions get strong -armed. Look who is always in the back hall at the P&Z meetings.

Anonymous said...

4:18 Is your father your mother's brother??!! Judging by your spelling, I'd say so.

Anonymous said...

So, Tim, what did the pool report have to say? 65 pages - hope it is well worth it at a cost of approx $300 plus per page!

Anonymous said...

Your the bitter old man. What's the matter they tried to save the taxpayers by turning you down.

Forget about your pocket book and think about the town for once in your life. Your a true low life.

Anonymous said...

W/S will do the same as they did in Canton. They took a beautiful golf course and turned it into alphalt. Here they will take one of the prettiest properties in Cheshire, level it and cover it with asphalt. The property owners have no appreciation of beauty and easily trade it for the love of money.

The Town Council should look at the beauty of this property on their Saturday visit. Once it is blacktoped, it's gone for ever.

It would be better to get grant to purchase the property than fix the tunnel for these wealthy developers.

Tim White said...

6:29 I haven't read the pool report yet, only glanced through it... without anything jumping out at me.

As for the $300/pg... I didn't vote for it. I did find the (unscientific) results of the Herald poll interesting though... 99% of respondents said "hardtop" or "summer-only." 1% said "maintain it."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, with margin of error of 99%.

Anonymous said...

This will not stop the shoppes so don't get too excited. The council is for it the PZ is for it and the people are for it. Look in the Herald and see the great insert and you know you want it...

Anonymous said...

Heads up old timer-the boys from WS are going to cook you up someting nicccce...
Just like you dont want it
rest and shoppes and movies and stores
Get out the way
get out the way
The boyz are back in town