Dodging the I-84 fiasco
Gregory B. Hladky wrote this great piece on the I-84 nightmare (NHR). He sums up the fiasco quite well:
Can you believe we drive on this thing and no one has been fired? Unbelievable. And even worse, the MaGuire Group continues to work on 27 other DOT projects. Astounding.The Interstate 84 construction scandal has produced federal subpoenas, a state lawsuit against the contractor and consultant, and a gubernatorial call for reorganization of the Department of Transportation.
But in the 14 months since a state official first noticed a sinkhole developing along the section of highway between Cheshire and Waterbury, not a single DOT employee has been fired, suspended or even reprimanded.
I'd recommend clicking through to this article and reading it in its entirety... with all of the "he said, she said" and "I don't know" comments, if the situation weren't so serious (in terms of both public safety and financial costs), I might find it comical.
Anyway, of interest to Cheshire... Mr. Hladky confirmed one thing...
Tim WhiteWilliam W. Fritz is now Clinton’s first selectman. But, until late 2005, he was the Maguire Group’s supervising inspector for the I-84 project and has been named as one of the defendants in the state lawsuit seeking damages from both Maguire Group and Defelice...
Fritz, who is the son of state House Deputy Speaker Mary Fritz, has said he doesn’t know how the massive drainage problems could have occurred without his knowledge.
is he First Selectman Fritz or Sergeant Schultz?
Is "Sergeant Schultz" an anonymous CT blogger? Or someone of TV fame?... not sure if there's a subtle joke here.
How close is too close between state legislators and contractors. Did Fritz bail out when the ^&*(^ hit. Was it a show or no show job. Looks like a no show if the inspector doesn't know how it could happen.
Rell, Rell, Rell, the buck stops with Rell.
no.......she must not have known this either.......just like the years under rowland and she just had no clue all these illegal things were happening.....yeh, i believe her...
Who is the present LT gov now? I can't name him can you? Who was Jodi? What is the Lt Gov job? I don't think they do much. Give her time to work on it.
Tim, Sergeant Schultz is someone of TV fame. He was way before your time!
lol. I saw the reruns... it's just that there's a "sgt shultz" who is a regular over on CTLP.
Just like she and Blumenthal cleaned up the state police. Make no mistake about it, their primary concern was damage control and lawsuit avoidance. Now this guy who cooperated is getting the screws put to him.,0,295716.story?coll=hc-headlines-local
This is just how the north end project will go. No one will have any idea how it happend but it will be a mess.
how about giving CTDOT $2 BILLION to rebuild the Waterbury Mixmaster?
we'll all be driving in the Naugatuck River based on their incompetence
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