Cow farts
Here's a guest post from lifelong Cheshire resident, Tim Slocum:
My good friend Tim White has been doing this blog for sometime now. I have become a frequent visitor and have opined on a number of occasions using my name or my initials. I have been struck by the oft cold candor of the anonymous blogger. A few weeks back I noticed that Tim included a guest blog by Diane Visconti. I believe it garnered the appropriate enthusiasm her topic warranted. To her credit, Diane Visconti is a hardworking and caring town councilor. Diane cares about so much. I guess I‘m just not so caring. I commented to Tim that Diane had quite a few “hits” as they say in this business. He said that “liberals” love to blog. That dovetails with Rush Limbaugh’s claim that he has lots of Libs listening to him so it must be so.
Well I’m no Lib so I am using Tim’s forum to discuss something I feel passionate about; the war America is waging here and abroad on Islamic fascism and global terrorism. Most liberals loath this war along with an increasing number of so called moderate Republicans and independents. I look forward to the many “Anons” eager to confirm their temerity and my insanity as they read on.
Why have liberals loathed this war from day one? I believe I have the answer and as the cops often say, follow the money. Money and who has control of it is the presiding political value today. I say this with great caution because I am not suggesting that all Americans that now oppose the war are materialistic narcissistic self indulgers. I am suggesting they simply play in to the hands of the politically materialistic narcissistic self indulgers.
Most Americans express agreement on their sincere concern for our troops. I posit that more than half of Americans are shamelessly parading a lie when they make such a claim. I look to the Lieberman haters in the Democrat party for confirmation of my claim. How can liberals hate politically liberal Joe Lieberman and care about our military when the only common link is that Joe cares about victory in this war? It is simply dishonest to suggest it could be any other way. This brings me back to the money.
Most Democrats want to spend your money on their noble causes. My disagreement is with their definitions of noble. For most Democrats and many Republicans a noble cause is a popular cause driven by the press and polls. State legislatures across the country are contemplating such noble causes as universal healthcare plans, increased taxes for schools and other myriad government programs and services. The medical profession is rapidly expanding under the weight of an aging population that is living longer. I must ask why bother if the vast majority of Americans won’t support a war on terror? We’re going to be goners anyway.
History replays itself over and over. The victor always gets the spoils. The victor eventually gets fat, lazy and complacent and soon becomes a victim. And once again to the winner goes the spoils of the complacent. One of the first classes of people to go in revolutions throughout modern history is the liberals. Liberals see the best in people they usually know nothing about. They should look much harder and see these people at their worst. Fascist regimes like Iran, Korea, Saddam’s Iraq should shake liberals to their core but they would rather wage a misplaced war on our president. I scratch my head and ask why. It’s the money…all those billions they could spend on happier things.
Liberals breathe the same air, go to the same schools and churches and enjoy many of the same entertainments but they just don’t get it. That is why they will continue to let the fascists win and let our freedoms slip away. And when the enemy actually hits our homeland again they will be the first to blame a government agency, open hearings and be outraged by how this could happen here. Meanwhile they’re prepared to wage all out war on cow farts, incandescent light bulbs, global warming and your carbon footprint because some government agency says it must be so.
At the end of the day I fear liberals most.
Tim Slocum