Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Budget workshop 3/28

We had the final scheduled budget workshop tonight (more are already scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday). We covered healthcare benefits and reviewed the "assumptions" in the budget, such as the tax collection rate (inevitably, some people won't pay their taxes) and projected conveyance taxes.

I think it was generally agreed that if we "maximized" these assumptions, the current projected tax increase (3.7%) would be cut in half to less than 2%. However, of more interest to me tonight were the changes in staffing positions that are being proposed. The Town Manager summarized his town side ("general government") proposals in this spreadsheet (click on it to be able to read it):
As for the two columns to the right, one column indicates "the total year on year increase in salary on the new number of hours" and one column indicates "the total year on year increase in salary on the new number of hours, less a 3% raise on the old number of hours."

I'm open-minded on this and am looking forward to the 2nd public hearing on the budget (Tuesday, April 4, 7:30pm). As well, I'm hoping that I can pop by tomorrow night's Personnel Committee meeting to learn more about some of these proposed positions. But as it stands right now, I'm shy about the whole lot... for a variety of reasons (that I've mentioned here already), including my concern that some of these requests seem more about benefits accruing to particular employees than they are about providing services to the voters/taxpayers. Again though... I still need to learn more of the specifics.

Tim White
Town Council, Budget Committee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on. The 2% can be ZERO with no spending cuts. Imagine if some work is done --- could there be a TAX REDUCTION??

NOT POSSIBLE. We ask why not??? Are we afraid to be the first town to put politics aside and think of the taxpayers?