Friday, March 23, 2007

Storm drains to nowhere

The State has gotten a guarantee of $17.5million (AP) to be reimbursed for the "storm drains to nowhere" on I-84. That's great. But it still doesn't address the fundamental problems that exist within the DOT... this reimbursement is akin to giving someone a bandaid for a cut when the person has a terminal disease. We still need serious reforms within the DOT.

(Also see this WRA article, by Michael Puffer)

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

Don;t worry, Jodi will hire more DOT the one we already hired driving his state truck to a McDonalds trying to have sex on state time with a child

Anonymous said...

This project has been totally mismanaged from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Carpenter and Rell told everybody that the inspection was contracted out, which it was. However, there was still a ConnDOT employee who made regular trips to the jobsite. There were state cops there evryday too while this criminal activity went on. Like usual the feds will have to prosecute or not.

Anonymous said...

and Reall along with the legislature just gave these guys three billion to spend!!!!!