Thursday, March 08, 2007

Schrumm vs. Miller

Not just on this blog, but the whole town seems to be abuzz. The topic of discussion is the recent back'n'forth in the Herald over the northend. One person even asked me why I hadn't posted the discussion points on the blog. So, here's a quick recap of the highlights, starting with Councilman David Schrumm's letter:

Cheshire should reject the proposed zoning text change for the north end and the proposed "Life Style Center" for the following reasons... 3) For five decades, the town has repeatedly voted to keep retail development out of the north end... the longstanding prohibition against retail was based on two fundamentals: a) the north end of Cheshire would not come to look like Queen Street in Southington or route 5 in Wallingford and b) quality industrial development will bring us more net tax revenure thus being a better deal for residential taxpayers. Cheshire is on the threshold of renouncing those fundamentals.
In response, Economic Development Commission member Brian Miller wrote:
In his long, three-column discussion of his opposition to the proposed life-style center, Councilman Schrumm somehow forgot to educate the residents of Cheshire that this site was approved for a retail mall during the 1980s, and subsequently renewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Certainly, Mr. Schrumm must have remembered this action, given his long years of service to this community. The premise of his discussion was that this site has always been planned for industrial development. I take no pleasure in contradicting a long-standing elected official of the town of Cheshire, but this statement is unfortunately false.
Tim White


Anonymous said...

I was thinking of running for Council, but I don’t need to.

The town is so easy to run, even a CAVE man could do it!

Anonymous said...

When does all of the is "junk" end and a real discussion begin. David went too far, we can all see it, but we still need a debate about this with real information so an informed decision can be made one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

"I take no pleasure in contradicting" Mr. Schrumm

now THAT is a lie.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to see why if you took a survey Mr. Miller's point of view would win by a 3 to 1 margin. He seems to have a more reasoned argument. Mr Schrumm has a personal ax to grind and it shows. But when the P and Z looks at this that is when we all can finally weigh in. Until then the arguments are just words.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Schrumm, but he has lost all credability. The more he speaks, the more support is given to the project. everyone thinks he lied. He should do a mea culpa, but he won't because as the herald article said, schrumm is arrogant.

Anonymous said...

Most of Cheshire has passed Schrumm by. He is living in the past and has very little influence, much less than he thinks. As a member of the RTC I am distressed that he gets up at these meetings and just spouts and we are all supposed to jump around. I am sorry that is not going to happen. Members think for themselves and are not robots.

adb said...

I quit the RTC because of what I percieved to be a concern about being elected and regaining power rather than good governing and doing what was in the best interest of the towns residents.

I am disgusted with the Local GOP and the national GOP, which seems to be suffering from soem sort of delusions.

They are so bent on tax cuts and have lost complete site of middle and low income americans who are struggling. The GOP has lost its seems the thirst and enjoyment of power, albeit shorlived made them forget why they wanted to lead in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Tim, this letter will be remembered.

state & federal lost last year.

schrumm must be looking for the three-way sweep with the locals this year.

you shouldn't be a republican. your party schtanks.

look for another "thumpin" this november.

Anonymous said...

Is it all about Suhrumm? No, he is not worth the time wasted on him on this BLOG. It is about a project in the North End and if it is good or bad for Cheshire. Debate ideas, debate impact, dabate the wants and needs in town, don't waste your time debating Schrumm.

Anonymous said...

the schrumm debate will end in november> hopefully he will go peacefully and not pout in newspaper

Anonymous said...

People who have personality that could be considered narcissistic are often happy when the attention is drawn to them whether it be negative or positive. It is the attention they crave. They ofen think of themselves as smarter and better than others therefore they are shocked when they are rejected. But in the end they hate being ignored or losing the attention they crave. Like a junkie being cut off from their drugs these sorts will do anything to get back the spotlight-even if to lie or hurt others. Starting to sound like anyone you know? The down side is that these people find their way into politics which should be a selfless activity which calls for doing the right thing for others not for oneself, so if we ignore these types we can do our community a favor.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a number of the posters here should consider a leadership position in local politics. A real bunch of movers and shakers. Try putting yourself on the line with the public. Run for office instead of running off at the mouth here. Write a signed editorial, show up at a public hearing, ask a hard question, ask someone to vote for you, pass up a few nights at home a month and begin serving the community.

The town needs volunteers at all levels of local government service, appointed and elected, Democrat & Republican. Talk to the local Republican or Democratic town committees.

Leadership takes many forms but it is at its best when it informs and inspires debate. You don't have to agree all the time but your mind has at least started to work and more closely examine an issue.

Its a little like accepting everything the car salesman says instead of talking to a mechanic with some experience with the model car the saleman is hoping to sell you.

Whether you support the points of view of Dave Schrumm or Brian Miller or anyone else for that matter in the end you have to make choices and show up at the local polling place as only 45% of you do.

Another observation. Democrats in the State House have a super majority. Does it mean they agree on every issue advanced by a fellow Democrat?. I don't think so. Leaders of all stripes are elected to just what the likes of Mr. Schrumm and Mr. Miller are doing - presenting facts, opinions, best case, worst case scenarios, etc. so you can figure things out.

Are we really going anywhere when leaders fail to stand for anything?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Slocum has made some good points. I am reminded of the following when defining leadership. One was from Mahatma Gandhi, I am not sure of the other one:

“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”

“Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together.”

Anonymous said...

And David can't bring the republicans together let alone the whole town.

Anonymous said...

Tim Slocum, I agree 100% with you. But as you can see by 5:33, there are still those wasting time with their comments about others. Makes me wonder if they are truly interested in what happens with the north end, or if they're more concerned with a grudge they may have.
I'd rather get information from councilors or board members so that I can think about all possibilities before I decide on an issue. At least I know they've done their homework.
Negative comments about others do not belong on this blog. Information about issues is what belongs.

Anonymous said...

I am against the change in text to allow mixed use in this industrial zone. The most compelling reason to reject this is that it will set a precedent that can be used by others in court challenges to other industrial parcels. If the town allows it for one developer, it is much easier for a court to side against the town in the future. In effect, the entire town plan for industrial development could be voided as the unintended consequence, and the townspeople would say, How did this ever happen?
Industrial zoning kept some 200 residences from being built on the parcel where Whole Foods is now located, and the court agreed with the town at that time that an industrial zone could not include housing and resulted in an actual
tax revenue gain. Al Sanders, 747 Mountain Rd.

Anonymous said...

As a truly neutral observer on this blogsite and the NED proposal, here are two observations--

* Tim Slocum's comments are most thoughtful and poignant to this whole situation in town. Better to get involved and publicly debate your issues, than to snipe at people personally.

* Tim White always asks the right questions on issues, like NED. He adds greatly to the public discourse, and avoids the fray of petty politics.

Both Tim White and Tim Slocum are gentlemen. Cheshire is lucky to have such dedicated and talented volunteer public servants.

Anonymous said...

The people or single person that has posted all the personal attacks against Dave Schrumm are not worthy of taking out his trash.
He has worked so hard for this town to try to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely. All these low-life comments will make me work so much harder for Dave reelection and I'm certain he will win handily.

Next time you have rotten comments to say about any of the people who serve us without compensation post your name.