Cheshire's Lights of Hope kickoff
I attended the kickoff for Cheshire's Lights of Hope today. Organized by Jenifer and Don Walsh - and started in 2005 - nearly $30,000 was given to three beneficiaries today. The CHS Ram Band kicked off the ceremony. Then Don spoke:The Lights of Hope donated $2,500 to recent CHS grad Chelsea Clouse for college:
Then $13,500 was donated to the Cheshire Food Pantry at St. Bridget's... before issuing another $13,500 check... this time to The Petit Family Foundation:
The last speaker was Council Chairman Tim Slocum:
And though it's a pretty shaky video, here are the first few minutes of Dr. Petit's comments:
Tim White
Why are Cheshire tax payer's paying for the clean up for the luminaries. I have seen Public Works employees doing this, with the economy the way it is this practice should be stopped and now!!
Bah humbug to you too!
This was a wonderful outpouring of people to support local charities, including helping our laid-off neighbors who are going hungry.
I'm a fiscally conservative Republican, but I'm GLAD the DPW pitched in to help.
Thank you Jennifer and Don Walsh, Dr. Petit, Mayor Tim Slocum, DPW, and all who helped and donated.
Where are you gettting your information from?
We have a volunteer crew of over 60 people who will be meeting at Cheshire High School at 9 AM to clean up.
I suggest that you check your facts before you leave comments like that.
Perhaps you would like to join us.
Tim, I appreciate you coming and putting up the info. Just to clarify,over $40,000 was raised. We presented Chelsea Clouse with a $2,500 scholarship and we are putting $11,000 into our scholarship endowment fund.
It is sad that the first comment had to be negative, but thank God we have developed thick skins.
To date, we have raised over $250K for charity.
Thank you to all our volunteers and to all the businesses and residents who participated.
Don Walsh
Just an FYI
Rt. 10 was cleaned up by 9:30 AM by VOLUNTEERS.
Nice work everyone.
I took have seen Cheshire DPW in past years help out & would be surprised if they didn't help out some this year..that being said, this is a worthwhile effort, how ever it happens
Hey, I saw the DPW cleaning up after the Memorial Day Parade. I saw them cleaning up after the Fall Festival, I saw them clean up after Relay for Life.
My God, who cares?
I happen to know that yes, in the past the DPW assisted when the entire Rt. 10 & Rt 70 were lit. This year, just 1 mile was lit and was cleaned up early the next morning by volunteers.
Don't panic anyone, none of your tax dollars were used for this event.
Just remember, this goes to help people who live in this community who are hungry, it also is going to a deserving resident for college.
Lets not get so nit pciky here.
I have 1 question for anyone who asks about the DPW cleaning it up, did you participate in this nice event, or do you prefer to sit and complain about things that are non-issues?
Not ths issue--but if you have DPW (or other Town employees) selectively helping certain charities at no $$ charge and not others, it's a problem for the charities that are not being helped
RE: town agencies "selectively helping certain charities ... and not others, it's a problem for the charities that are not being helped"
I'd say that like any individual, the town has the right to pick n choose which charities to support. I doubt our people want a blanket ban on the town helping any charities.
I agree with 10:48
If the charity is giving something back to the town, then yes, they should be able to assist. If it is a large national charity that pays employees to run these events, then a nominal fee should be charged.
I just don't think this should even be brought up in this matter.
This was a wonderful event that was oganized by many volunteers. No town funds werre used to help, yet money if being filtered back in.
Well Done!
10:48 & 1:46 DUMB!
doesn't work like that; it's called discrimination...
If the town stopped helping charities then this would be a very sad place we live in.
Cheshire is considered and "affluent" community, however there are many who do struggle day to day. They require assistance from local charities like the Food Pantry. The town sends many families and individuals there to get this assistance. What if they just closed their doors?
This town can't afford to turn its back on anyone looking to help those less fortunate then ourselves. If that means we need the DPW to clean up after an event or the police to assist in some way, then so be it.
Lets all try to help each other rather then complain that $0.25 of your tax money went to help a charity.
It's ridiculous.
I agree with Anonymous. But it seems that no matter what he says, the other Anonymous just won't "get" his point. It's so obvious that Anonymous is right about this but he's just not able to express himself in a way that Anonymous can understand and vice versa. It's like Anonymous and Anonymous are using separate languages. Pity--because Anonymous is definitely right.
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