Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Republican caucus tonight

The Cheshire GOP will be holding its biennial caucus tonight to elect members of the Republican Town Committee. All registered Republicans are invited. The meeting will take place at 7:30pm in Town Hall.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

We need to get this party going so we can win the next election, I can feel a victory comming!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes the liberals have taken over the town
they have done a really bad job of keeping taxes low-well ok they have done a bad job of maintaining our buildings etc-well ok not that they have made it hard to come to council meetings and speake-ok not that either-well they did not help the seniors with a tax break-ok forget it I am voting Democrat in 09

Anonymous said...

8:41 you are one of the crazy people in town who think that you can maintain the buildings and cut taxes how do you pay for the maintenance?

Anonymous said...

we must return to the us const.
we must return to the days of Lincoln and washington
and jackson
and rutherford b hayes
just like obama will give us
Let freedom ring
Let Freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is a
Day of reckoning
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, Let the guilty pay, It's
Independence Day