Saturday, January 26, 2008

Changes to another C&D Plan

Since zoning changes are of interest to many, here's an article about Haddam and how they are addressing changes in their Plan of Conservation and Development (Courant, by Penelope Overton).

Tim White


Anonymous said...

From the article;

"A town land-use board is offering residents a final opportunity to comment on a proposed plan of conservation and development that outlines where the town is headed over the next decade, and how to preserve the town's rural, riverside character."

What a huge difference between Haddam's approach to changing their plan of development and Cheshire's.

Haddam's plan has been 3 years in the making and it is being modified not to the specifications of developers, but for the good of its residents, just like Cheshire did year ago. Haddam is interested in preserving their character whereas Planning and Zoning of Cheshire doesn't care about what will happen to Cheshire's character.

Cheshire's approach is to fit the plan to a developer's request and to do it in as short a time period as possible and not spend more than 20 hours on it, with the developer using up the time with sales promos.

As Cheshire residents, we deserve better and the character of our town should not be sold by the financial interests of a few developers.

Since the proposal does not fit the character of the town of Cheshire, it should be rejected.

Anonymous said...

Northend Traffic:

The traffic study said, at peak morning hrs, there would only be 38more cars an hour generated by the mall complex? What project were they talking about. They said stores would be opening after 9:00 AM, all stores?

This is a crazy estimate. You have workers arriving during peak time morning hours, maintenance people to clean the stores, workers arriving at the stores to work and get them ready to open, delivery vehicles, 160 apartments that have people going to work or whatever, a supermarket that will probably open early and as Mr. Dillon of the Chamber of Commerce said, good old Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts alone will generate more that 100 cars an hour. How many more early openers are there? It's been almost a year and W/S still says they don't know what stores they expect? They know ,but won't tell us, because then we would have a better idea of the traffic generation.

They also failed to mention that rt 322 is rapidly being developed and that this will further add to the congestion.

All in all, they will create a real mess on 10, 691 and 322.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what the process really was when the zoning was changed in the northend? Was it part of some overall plan, or was it simply to try to find some revenue from the empty parcel that had not attracted any industrial businesses?

Anonymous said...

Go to the Cheshire Smart Growth blog and obtain answers to your questions.