Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hunter is out

I've heard that Duncan Hunter has officially dropped out of the campaign... so I guess the GOP is now down to five "serious" candidates and one "unserious" Taft/Goldwater conservative... Dr. Ron Paul... interesting how an unserious candidate gets second place in Nevada.

On the other side of the aisle, I'm kinda wondering what Mike Gravel is doing. Though he does have some memorable made-for-internet ads:I'm also feeling kinda bad for John Edwards. It looked like he didn't do well in Nevada. But my understanding is that's due to the caucus rules that worked against him and for HRC... and are not representative of how the actual people voting felt.


Anonymous said...

Of course Ron Paul did well in NV.

He blew everyone out around Area 51

Anonymous said...

Nah... Area 51 exit polling showed a decisive victory for DK.

Anonymous said...

The next one who will drop out is Fred Thompson. He never really got off the starting block.

Anonymous said...

Hillary and Obama will be the Democratic ticket. The Republicans had better select someone who can actually WIN to prevent the nightmare of their taking the White House.

John McCain is by far the most electable Republican. Giuliani and Thompson will be out after Florida. Huckabee and Paul can never be elected President (too fringe). Romney has a credibility problem as a flip-flopper. Every poll shows that only McCain has the best shot of getting elected.

Everybody disagrees with McCain on one issue or another. But in the end, everyone respects his qualities of character and level-headedness.

Anonymous said...

If the Dem nominee is HRC, I think she gets 48-50% of the vote.

But that doesn't mean an unnamed R gets 50-52%.

If a third party (Perot, Nader, Bloomberg, etc.) runs, then HRC wins. And I don't think it will matter who the GOP nominates.

Of course, as always... significant "events on the ground" could put anyone in the WH.