Saturday, January 20, 2007

Eminent domain 2nd tier

According the Stamford Advocate, State house Democrats are calling eminent domain a "tier two" issue (by Brian Lockhart). Speaker Amann said issues such as "health care, energy, smart growth, transportation, property tax relief and public safety" are the tier one issues.

House Republicans and Senate Democrats are on a different page than house Democrats though. "House Republicans and Senate Democrats yesterday said the General Assembly should take up the issue of property seizures this session."

I think action should be taken... and that action shouldn't take a great deal of time. To me, eminent domain is simple. It should be reserved for public use... schools, highways and the like. For anything else, such as the Pfizer case, the owner gets what they ask. And if the owner refuses to sell, too bad. They own it. They keep it.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

Our hair is gray
Our thoughts are dizzy
We drive a tin lizzy
and our anger has got us in a tizzy
We are the united association of angry white men

Anonymous said...

Notice this one only responds with his/her "angry white men" cant. Lacking in ability to discourse with facts and reason, s/he resorts to emoting (with a hint of racialism thrown in). It's childish.

Anonymous said...

Unbeknownst to me, certain people in the White House were thinking, 'We had to federalize Louisiana because she's a white, female Democratic governor, and we have a chance to rub her nose in it,'" he said, without naming names. "'We can't do it to Haley (Barbour) because Haley's a white male Republican governor. And we can't do a thing to him. So we're just gonna federalize Louisiana.'"
More evidence of the angry white man in our world

Anonymous said...

We ask for proof
Sometimes we think it a goof
But Mr. Brown said it here
IN the white house oh dear
Just more proof
Its not a goof
of the angry white man association

Tim White said...

huh? Who is Mr. Brown?

Anonymous said...

anon 4:55 and 10:57 - What are you on??

Anonymous said...

Brown is Mike Brown former head of FEMA-check the story in any newspaper for details.

Anonymous said...

It could also be that Louisiana was federalized and Mississippi wasn't because, in the end, the disaster affected vastly more people in Louisiana, including one of the largest cities in the nation.

But the racialists will always scream "racism" regardless. For example, blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes; therefore the prison population is disproportionately black. But the Al Sharpton crowd only sees racism.

At any rate, the subject of the original post was eminent domain and corrective legislation...a completely race-less subject into which this liberal racialist introduced race ("angry white men"). Childish and compulsive.

Anonymous said...

Hannity,Coulter and Rush
they all can do us a favor and hush
They have been totally flushed
And turned to mush
So lets throw a party and gush

Anonymous said...

There once was a man named Brown
Who was told by the President to frown
On helping people colored brown
Oh what a clown

Anonymous said...

hickory dickery dock
The angry white men watch the clock
It finally strikes 12
and like quick elves
They scatter bacause they complain too much about unfunded mandates

Anonymous said...

ok Matt, Diane, Liz or Mike - as I said - you can knock it off now.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:08 I agree. Who else would make such ridiculous posts for so long. It makes sense that it would be a democratic town councilor.

Anonymous said...

There was a liberal blogger
whose cants grew drearier and drearier,

her tired, childish whinning
made folks wearier and wearier,

then a shrink said her intellect
really was inferior,

her obsessive compulsion goes marching on!