DPW biodiesel
While Cheshire's Department of Public Works is planning on using biodiesel (WRA, by Lauresha Xhihani), I just confirmed that my home heating fuel is already using a biofuel mix... although that had nothing to do with me. I just researched it to make sure it was already included. I think most CT-based home heating fuel companies began using a biodiesel mix this year.
Tim White
Cheshire Town Council, 4th District
Yes Tim, some home heating firms are using a mix of biodiesel in their products. The mix is 5% biofuels, 95% heating oil. Is at least a start. Based on one home I am tracking they had 159 gals of the new mix delivered on Oct 22nd. They had another 139 gals delivered on Dec. 23rd. On Nove 7th they had their furnace serviced, cleaned, new nozzle installed, tested etc. On Dec. 31st the new nozzle went bad, the electrodes had to be re-cleaned, the overall cleaning had to be done again. Personally, I am wondering about if the new mix has changed the operation of the furnace. It is literally unheard of to have the nozzle go bad, the elctrodes clog up and not fire in 6 weeks of operation.
Interesting. I'm not an expert, so don't know the problem or likely causes. Nonetheless, most diesel products (either engines or home heating equipment) are warrantied up to B5. So you're friend ought to be able to get reimbursed for the product, if not the service.
For the most part, I believe (up to) B20 is working on stuff (incl in CTs cold weather), but it is not warrantied. I'm pretty sure that the manufacturers don't actively discourage the use of B20. Again though, I'm not an expert.
Tim White
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