Wednesday, February 14, 2007

W/S reaches out

W/S Development is making its case to the public. According to this WRA article (by Mike Puffer), they gave a presentation to Chamber of Commerce members yesterday. And they sold at least one more person on the project:

Kathleen Borrelli woke up Tuesday morning with fears that her hair salon on Sandbank Road might not stand up to competition from a mall being proposed at the corner of Interstate 691 and Route 10. A few hours later, Borrelli attended a Cheshire Chamber of Commerce meeting at which executives from W/S Development explained their project. And she left much reassured.

But I also spoke with one person who went to the presentation as a big supporter and left as less of a supporter, while having many more unanswered questions… which is basically where I still stand… wanting more information.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

I read the same article but still can't find the answer to exactly what "high end" stores are expected to go in? I heard Talbot's is one of them, but what's on the rest of the list? It would be nice to know.
As for the 150 1 - 2 bedroom units, I am not in favor of them. I wouldn't want to see any residential there.

Anonymous said...

They can't get stores to commit until they have approvals.

Residential will be a nice addition to the site. Units like that have almost no impact on the school system and use minimal services. I think the whole project, when completed, will be considered an asset to our town. And no it will not require a $150 million dollar school, that is false information.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

He may be both senile and delusional. Manufacturing was a great idea in the 40's and 50's and today if it would come, but should we wait another 20 years for it?

I did hear that Bill Gates was seen at the Notch asking if there was any property available, I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Peaches and cream-all this fuss about the stores that might come to town. I like it and I will tell everyone that! Peppers and carrots we could use some nice apartments up there too!
Me o my let's go for it!

Anonymous said...

ll:50 Peaches & cream, peppers & carrots?? Did you forget your medication??

Glad you like the stores of which we don't even know which ones they'll be. And you like the apartments/condos also...nice.

Anon 8:32 says the 150 units won't have an impact on the schools. So if they all get filled and there's 1 or 2 kids in each, you think that having 150 to 300 more kids in the schools won't have an impact? I think you need medication too.

Anonymous said...

Please stick to giving your opinion on the topics at hand. Continually insulting people is totally uncalled for. At the very least if you insist on making remarks about councilmen you should sign your name to your post. Although I doubt you or any dem on the council would have the guts to do that.

Anonymous said...

I don't want the residential or the children, but the argument of additional children in the school system is flawed.

I heard they want to build 2 bedroom units to sell for $4oo,ooo.

NO parent will buy that. Period.

You can easily get more bedrooms for a lower cost in Cheshire.

Anonymous said...

Attract manufacturing businesses to Cheshire? This is the 21st Century!

Connecticut has among the highest business costs in the United States and comparatively slow job growth. Employment in Connecticut factories declined, again, in 2005. Connecticut manufacturing jobs had the highest loss of any job sector. Overall, New England manufacturing jobs declined 24,700, or 11.3 percent since 2001.

Manufacturing jobs are going south, or out of the country. If someone, or some group, wants to say no to development in the north end of Cheshire that is fine, that is their opinion. But, someone is badly informed, or disingenuous, to think that Cheshire, Connecticut is going to attract a manufacturing business to a 110 acre parcel of land in the north end of Cheshire.

Anonymous said...

Hopscotch and saltwater taffy???!!!
There will be about 20 new childeren who would thrive in the Cheshire schools if the nice apartments are built. If that happend it won't be so bad and there will be open arms to greet them.!!
Fiddlesticks and broomsticks!
Let's give it a chance to work!

Tim White said...

Let's keep the discourse civil, ok?

If you're going to use names of people, please try to take the high road... even if you don't care for someone.

Tim White said...

Jack W... interesting statistics. Do you have a source? We could link to it, if it's online.

I agree with you on the loss of manufacturing jobs.

While in Nicaragua, I saw massive facilities for Unilever, Mercedes and others.

Manufacturing has left Cheshire and the US. And it's not coming back. At least not until there is wage parity.

Anonymous said...


Many online sources site declining manufacturing jobs in the state. Below are a few:

Connecticut Business & Industry Association website -

Anonymous said...

Tim, Thanks for deleting those comments.
anon 4:40

Anonymous said...

I get upset with all of these people who do not want people to move to town. Is this really the Seniors vs families? 150 one and two bedroom units will not add 300 students to the school system or cause us to spend $150 million on a high school. I find it funny that their are people in town who want the doors locked. If the project added 50-75 students over all the grades it would not cost that much additional money. You are all crazy.

Anonymous said...

Hot corn and hot dogs
We need this and we want this so move this up the laddr

Anonymous said...

Dog food and kitty litter!!
All the folks of Cheshire should get together and sign a petition saying "we love the lifestyle center" Build or bust

Anonymous said...

anon 12:22 What exactly is it that you love about the lifestyle center? Be specific if you can and please leave out the dog food & kitty litter comments.

Anonymous said...

Rabbits feet and otters tails my my.
I love to shop at all the stores in any mall and I love the cute little garden apartments-I would like to move in when they come.

It all looks soooo goood to me !!

Anonymous said...

"50-75 students... would not cost that much additional money"??

Enrollment is DECREASING by 57 students and the Supt. proposed a $3 million INCREASE to the Ed. budget!

Who's crazy now!

Anonymous said...

anon 5:37 Bulls...& crocks. They're both filled with the same thing, as are you it seems.

Anonymous said...

Interesting - anon 7:02 says there will be 20 new kids in the schools coming from the 150 units. anon. 8:39 says if 50 - 75 kids come into the schools from the new units it won't cost that much. Quite varying numbers, I'd say.
Anon 5:43 hit the nail on the head. The super wanted 3 million more for 57 less kids and he wanted 7.5 new teachers. You are crazy if you think 75 or so more kids will not have much of an impact on the schools. Glad anon 5:43 was paying attention.

And anon 5:37 loves to shop at the mall and wants to move to one of the garden apartments. Rabbit's feet and an otter's tail - when are you putting your house up for sale?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:39 Don't get upset about those of us in town who are concerned about increasing residential areas in town. We love kids, love our town, are not necessarily seniors, and most importantly we are just concerned about controlling expenses and trying to keep the tax burden to a minimum. If you stick around long enough in this town, maybe some day you'll thank us!

Anonymous said...

Top hats and tails
watch the new shops in their glory
Its gonna happen with residential or not
get used to it

Anonymous said...

Top hats and tails?
What will you do when it fails?

Anonymous said...

Monitor Lizards and lions paws
There is a great plan here and we will have it
The town is ready for it and it will happen

Anonymous said...

I have been watching this project for some time. I have lived in town for 6 years moved from NJ. It is good for Cheshire and it was good for NJ.

Anonymous said...

Airplanes, jet planes and gliders
We needs some nice restu shops and that walking trail looks devine
Do it