Jalowiec headlines the MRJ
In case you missed it, Matt Jalowiec's significant primary victory in the Probate Judge race has been forever enshrined at the Newseum. And if you wanna read the article, click here for Mary Ellen Godin's piece. Cute pic of the obviously, very happy couple. I support Matt and wish him the best of luck in November.
And despite the divisive Cheshire primary, I remain focused on ousting the incumbent. Just read what the Courant's Rick Green is saying about Judge Bryan Meccariello in his week old column entitled:
A Disturbing Picture Of Southington Probate Court
Tim White
"Meccariello is scheduled for a September hearing before the Conn. Council on Probate Judicial Conduct, which found probable cause of judicial misconduct."
The Democrat probate judge is corrupt while Matt Jalowiec is an honest alternative. The murder trial is about to begin while Adinolfi is tough on crime and Esty isn't. And the trials of Charlie Rangle & Maxine Waters will be highlighting Democratic corruption in Congress just before the election.
Perfect timing. Local Republicans are well poised to benefit this November from voter discontent with corrupt and out of touch Democrats.
Wow, great then we can elect some out of touch and corrupt Republicans. And then a few years later we can go back to the democrats.
Luckily both parties are out of touch and corrupt, which is leading to the downfall of the US. So this should wake people up and we can throw the whole lot out.
Yeah, some Dems & some R's are equally corrupt, but right now its the Dems who control Washington, Hartford, & the local probate court.
How's that "Hope & Change" thing going for ya?
Well, I believe that the local Probate Court is still controlled by Ray Voelker, a gentleman and an (R). Try doing your homework before spouting off, Sarah!
obviously by "local probate court" 12:59 was referring to the new Southington-Cheshire probate court headed by current Judge Bryan Meccariello (D-Corruption). Try using your brain before reacting.
As a registered Republican here in Cheshire I have to say I'm seriously concerned about the Republican party being out of touch, if not completely disconnected, with it's voter base.
I believe it was 12 out of 13 Republican Delegates from the RTC that voted to support Peter over Matt? This vote indicated strong support for Matt from the Republican base. After all, delegates represent their respective districts.
Obviously, the outcome of the primary showed otherwise. So, how is it that the Cheshire RTC is completely out of touch with R's? Let's call this Strike #1.
Strike #2 occurred during the pool enclosure vote. The R majority on the Town Council claimed unanimous support for a permanent cover for the pool. Supposedly, this was told to them by voters, R's. Apparently, this was not true as evidenced by the result of the referendum. Maybe we weren't clear...we said fix it...not spend with reckless abandon.
What's Strike #3? I hope there won't be a Strike 3. I do believe the RTC is out of touch with it's voters. How that occurred so quickly over the last several months remains a mystery.
Perhaps this quote from NHR website summarizes it best:
" Great job by Matt Jalowiec! The Cheshire and Southington GOP should be ashamed. The delegates should resign for clearly not doing what is best for the GOP in both towns. "
probate court is not needed as long as you don't put the death in the paper and you have everything and/or so it is a useless position.
Anonymous August 12, 2010 5:04 PM said...
"obviously by "local probate court" 12:59 was referring to the new Southington-Cheshire probate court headed by current Judge Bryan Meccariello (D-Corruption). Try using your brain before reacting."
If you had half a brain, you'd know that this court doesn't even exist yet! The new probate districts don't become effective until January 5, 2011. How do you like that?
judge judy said...
"probate court is not needed as long as you don't put the death in the paper and you have everything and/or so it is a useless position."
While I agree that it is useless, it is still required under circumstances prescribed by law and has NOTHING to do with whether the death notice is in the newspaper. Somebody here already told you that! Get it?
7:05 said...
"you'd know that (the Southington-Cheshire probate) court doesn't even exist yet! The new probate districts don't become effective until January 5, 2011".
This whole board discussion is about, and the current election is for, probate judge of the new Southington-Cheshire district.
Your mentioning of Ray Voelker and nit-picking about what can be called the "local" probate court has been superfluous from the beginning. Now please stop wasting people's time with nonsense.
hey 10:01, he's just a democratic troll trying to distract attention from the fact that Judge Bryan Meccariello (D Cheshire-Southington) is corrupt and is going down this November.
Superfluous nothing! Read the post - the new probate court is NOT headed by anyone yet! If you're going to spout off, check your facts first.
Maybe you should wait for the Judge's due process before you pronounce him corrupt. Maybe he's just an incompetant. I have no tolerance for either and that's regardless of what their political pursuasion is.
Yes, I am a (D) and expect to cross over to vote for Mr. Jalowiec. I am quite happy that experience won out in that primary. And with elderly parents and in-laws in Cheshire & Southington, I want the most qualified person in the new probate district court, regardless of their party.
In the context of this thread, the previous citing of the "local" probate judge being corrupt clearly referred to Meccariello, not Voelker. Youve been making a mountain out of a molehill on this point.
RE: "Maybe you should wait for the Judge's due process before you pronounce him corrupt. Maybe he's just an incompetant. I have no tolerance for either..."
(1) the standard of innocent til proven guilty applies to legal due process, not to public opinion.
(2) whether Meccariello was wantonly corrupt or just incompetent, either way, he needs to be replaced.
I'm gone for the weekend. Bye.
It is really sad that the Republicans endorsed Bowman who is unqualified. It makes no sense that they would do that except for the influence of money and power.
It's time for the RTC to review their actions and take the steps to insure that this doesn't happen again and try to rebuild trust.
Delegates do not represent districts. They are elected by the majority of the caucus which can be attended by any registered R. Is the system flawed? Maybe, but it does leave it to the candidates to work hard to earn the signatures and votes. It worked.
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