Monday, January 19, 2009

The Herald and Council on the Mixville Pump Station

The Herald's Josh Morgan offers his take on last week's Council meeting in which we discussed spending $150,000 for a design of Mixville Pump Station... and that's the same pump station that had its $1,000,000 construction budget nixed by the voters only two months ago.

As I said, it seems that the Council doesn't need to simply say a $150,000 expenditure is necessary at this moment. While the project will need to be done at some point, we can:

1) break down the $150,000 cost into parts, taking one step at a time

2) wait until the voters approve the project at referendum

3) try to finance the project with a performance contract which means the project would not require any additional debt... instead it would be financed via energy savings.

I think to simply spend $150,000 after the $1,000,000 project was rejected... without taking a new approach to the project... is inappropriate.

Here's the Council discussion:

Tim White

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