Website inaccuracies
So that we can remain on topic about "shenanigans," and not digress into a conversation about simple clerical errors... I've uploaded two documents.
This is taken from the now well-known .pdf file on the town website:
As I previously mentioned, Sean Strollo was elected to a four-year term in 2005. So his term should expire in 2009, not 2011. Therefore, I've concluded that this .pdf file has inaccuracies beyond that of Tim Pelton's term... although I'm not speaking to the concerns of Matt Hall and Elizabeth Esty... I'm just pointing out that there are inaccuracies in this .pdf file.
Furthermore, as an anonymous poster noted... elsewhere on the town website, there are inaccuracies... even inaccuracies directly related to the terms of WPCA members... as you can see here (click on image to enlarge):Please notice my handwritten note about "printed date." It appears that some of these terms have not been updated for more than two years.
Does that mean there's any sort of shenanigans happening? No.
Again though, these comments are not intended to speak to the concerns raised at the last Council meeting. They're simply intended to show that the town website is fraught with inaccuracies... some that have existed for years.
Finally, a hat tip to the anonymous poster who caught the other town website inaccuracies!
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
Tim you have missed the point to the whole thing=If there are mistakes you call it to the attention or the parties or the chair
You don't go in on your own and try to change it
I don't think I missed the point.
This post is not intended to address the concerns of Matt or Elizabeth.
This post is intended as a reminder that the proposed investigation needs to stay on course or it risks losing credibility as a result.
Turn-off the computer and go see your is Father's Day.
Better yet, take your parents to Cracker Barrel. Your mother will like that.
hahaha... just did... just took them out to dinner... not Cracker Barrel though. My mom is still upset that the ND doesn't include one! lol. (She knows they can't. At dinner tonight she told me that she's already contacted CB corporate offices and they told her they're not interested in this geographic location at this time. She does her homework!)
Today also happens to be my parents' 46th anniversary. :)
4:07 I agree with you in part. That is to say if there are mistakes, you call it to the attention of the person who maintains the website. BUT YOU DON'T publically accuse people of deliberately altering terms of the members especially when it's clear that there are many mistakes on the site.
You don't have to accuse bc it already happened and he already admited it
Maybe the following will explain the Termgate. The information on the town's web site is carried in two places. If you go into the commission sites, the information seems to be very wrong. It basically shows that web information is not always updated correctly. It is really confusing to have different information for the same subject in two places. I think you have to rely on hardcopy orders for information changes that are provided by the proper organizations and a copy should be sent to the updating person with an approval signature of a responsible town employee. It might be a little much, but if the web is to be taken so seriously, it requires a formal update process. From my years in data processing an audit trail was always required, we never updated important records without a signed order from a responsible person.
If you go to the WPCA through public works it shows all the members have "expired to" dates. Why is this information wrong? Why didn't the investigation find these errors as well?
If you go through P&Z page and select Inland Wetlands you get the wrong dates for Bowman.
It shows his term starts in 2/13/11 and ends in 1/31/11. This means he is not an active member until 2011 and that his term ends before it starts. And Dimicks term has expired.
If you go through "Boards and Commissions" you get all the boards and commissions with maybe all the correct information.
I hope this might clarify how information on the web is incorrect and might help maintain the integrity of the site in the future.
Now really, were these web pages purposely not maintained and did someone want bowman's term to start in 2011?
Give it a rest.
I agree the web pages are not the official town records. If someone put the title Chairman by the name of some other councilman other than Matt Hall would he or she be Chairman? I think not. I also agree with some sort of written document with proper signatures and dates to be required for changes etc. We will always need paper trails.
"the proposed investigation needs to stay on course"
It must cover the whole story including why didn't Esty make a big fuss in Feb about the discrepency. Why did she wait until June??????? Did she tell Matt in Feb.
Could it be that they didn't think the about the treatment plant being an issue that might stop W/S back then. Or that W/S hadn't put their cards on the table at the time.
I can't believe it. Firing a person with 20 years of experience and known for integrity.
During the last term how many Dems were reappointed by the Reps.? Do your research and I'll bet you that you find that none were reppointed. None of the Dems replaced had many years of quality service to the town?
Why aren't the minutes of the May 21 P&Z meeting on the P&Z web site?
When is the next P&Z meeting? How coincidental that this "Termgate" happened now just in time to side track people. July 11 is close. Imagine with only 3 members of the P&Z the vote could be 2 to 1 a majority.
Is the P&Z vote July 11? Should Tim S. vote on the 11th if he was trying to use the WPCA to stop this project?
Tim S? I love how people just start throwing names around and making accusations when we really have no idea what happened and why?
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