Council agenda 6/26
Here's the agenda for Tuesday night:
The much discussed proposed investigation is last on the agenda. I presume that is in the hopes of "clearing the decks" before getting involved in this discussion. I'm not sure if that's going to work though... this just seems as though there are a lot of things to be discussed... so I'm not sure that we'll even get to #14. Whatever happens though, I certainly hope that the "discussion and action" is televised... this issue is too big to happen after the cameras are turned off.
As well, this is only the meeting agenda, but at 7:30pm the Council will open up by holding two public hearings... one on the Strathmore Woods dam and one on the budget reserves (an issue of concern to me in terms of how high do our taxes need to be... when is enough "enough" in terms of reserves?)
Besides the Council meeting on Tuesday, there are plenty of other meetings this week:
Monday 7:00pm - Energy Commission
Monday 7:30pm - Budget Committee - discussing volunteer firefighters' pension ordinance and fund balance policy with the town's financial advisor... an employee of People's United Bank (formerly known as People's Bank). And since I work for People's... I'm expecting to miss this part of the meeting as it represents a potential conflict of interests... although I may touch base with the Town Attorney for further guidance.
Monday 7:30pm - Planning & Zoning - I think there's a meeting and I believe they'll be discussing the ND, but I'm not sure about that.
Thursday - Personnel Committee - town manager's annual review... and as I recently told him... I've been disappointed with his performance this year and do not expect to support giving him a raise, if that is proposed by the Council... nothing is set in stone for me on that though. Just airing my current view. (seriously though... here's just one issue, and there are many... why were the Friends of Boulder Knoll excluded from the ERT process? I have yet to hear a good answer... rather all I've heard is obfuscation about costs and RFPs... neither of which preclude discussion, so why the exclusionary tactics? Or perhaps the RFP excuse is legitimate, but then why didn't the Town do an RFP for the CYB land? To me, that's a glaring inconsistency... and all I want is to encourage discussion. Doesn't that make sense? I always thought that discussing concerns and viewpoints was worthwhile.)
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
When does the dategate, or smeargate investigation start?
Are the accusers also the witnesses, the judge and the jury? Executive session, behind closed doors?
Is Carl Rove acting as a special advisor?
No Rove is advising the Republicans this time-can't you tell from all the lies and the deceptive behavior
Regarding the P&Z Meeting at 7:30, isn't it funny how all the uninteresting P&Z meetings are televised. I'm not going to be home this evening and decided to tape this one, I discovered it's not going to be televised. Doesn't anyone think this is unusual considering the issue at hand is the most important to the town of Cheshire in many years. This whole thing stinks more and more. If we're going to do some investigations why not start here.
Yes we should investigate why Murphy Brown is not on chanel 14. this is an outrage
I want Murphy Brown on chanl 14
This is one of the reasons why people are losing faith in our democracy
Also why can't I watch Dragnet on channel 15/
I will not rest until this is settled!!
2:46 I agree. The meeting should be televised. It's unacceptable not to. Tim, who decides these things? If Henry can't be there, seems someone could just set up the camera and let it run.
"Doesn't anyone think this is unusual considering the issue"
It's not unusual, the developers run this town. A heavy rain damages their tunnel, an emergency meeting is held to fix it with taxpayer dollars, they want to stop all signs of the opposition emergency meetings and enforcement of a law that no longer makes any sense, postings on pole becomes the number 1 crime.
Face it, the developers own Cheshire and the press.
yes, 4 27, the developers arranged for the 4 plus inch rain. The developers got the Feds to come out and say fix it...AND for the Feds to say only reimburse towns.
I thought republicans liked business? I'm a life long republican and I don't get your attitude.
Hey how come we don't have the 3 stooges on Chanl. 15? Why don't we have I Love Lucy on channel 14? This is an outrage!!
We need to investigate!
Only Public Hearing meetings before Planning and Zoning are televised. If you think back you will probably recall you have never seen a vote of the PZC...when all there hands go up for the big yes or no. You have only read about them if you cared to in a public notice or the news paper.
Regular planning and zoning business is not televised. This has been the policy since PZC instituted TV coverage about 8 years ago. It could be changed so bark some more to town hall but it wasn't changed to suit the current PZC or any applicant.
All PZC meetings are still public you just have to lift yourself out of your arm chair and go to town hall.
All meetings are official in that minutes are taken. Unfortunately, as some of you have noticed, not all meeting minutes show up on the planning website.
someone ought to video the P&Z so if they unleash any howlers on the NED, (like Marty Coburn telling the Strathmore neighbors they should be "lucky" to get Fisk's decrepit dam)it will be preserved despite efforts to "scrub" the minutes ...bring your own camera and send Tim the video to post
When will the A Team be on channel 14? Hey Face is my favorite actor? Why can't that happen?
Investigation please!
"not all meeting minutes show up on the planning website."
If they are about the northend, they don't want to put them on the web site. It sure looks like someone didn't want these to be readily available.
"Only Public Hearing meetings before Planning and Zoning are televised."
This is not a valid reason for not televising. We don't because we don't? That's ridiculous. Last night the guy who video tapes was there for the sound system. What additional expense would it have been for him to do the video?
As far as geting out of your armchair, maybe when you get older, you'll do it, if your healthy and driving at night is not problem, but others do have a problems.
I think we should start an AG investigation of the fact that Green Acres is not on Channel 15. Why is that!?
It is outragous?
hey you know what?
I just noticed that the Flintstones are not on Chan 15.
We should see if there is a conspiracy to keep them off the air.
I demand a full congressional investigation
Yea I noticed that Amos and Andy does not come on on Chan 15?
Why is that/
Let's have a big investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I heard that there is going to be no Gomer Pyle on chan 15 next week/
Lets get to the bottom of this
I think we need an investigation as to whether the guy who posted the last four items has an IQ above or below room temperature
They accomplished what they wanted. Have a few people show up and then have the Herald ridicule them for showing up. How low do you have to go to get this project approved? Lower than the box turtles on the property.
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