Council agenda 6/12
Here's the agenda for next Tuesday's Council meeting @ 7:30pm in Town Hall.... I think the meeting officially begins with a public hearing on a new business item (7A) that relates to a tax issue for non-profits... it's a public hearing that is held annually and usually gets little public input....Some thoughts:
7B) Anyone have any questions on this they'd like me to ask? I may have some questions, but do expect to support this... on a side note, CYB was over at the Notch this morning doing a raffle for their trip next week to Cooperstown. Great stuff... I'm sure all the kids will have a great time. If you're interested in buying a raffle ticket, call Lisa Frazier on Chamberlain Court.
7D) Considering my concerns with Fund Balance policy, I'm not entirely comfortable moving forward with this yet. But we've got a budget committee meeting prior to the Council mtg, so I'll be asking questions there.
7F) Most people probably have no interest in this item, but since I work for one of these banks... I'll be recusing myself.
7G) This is an interesting item. It seems mundane... a request for the ERT to consider the proposals of the "Friends of Boulder Knoll" and Kerry Deegan's sunflowers. What's interesting? The wording of the motion is interesting to me: "The Town Council directs and authorizes the Town Manager..."
This particular wording is nothing new, but I can't fathom why the town wouldn't simply give the proposals to the ERT. Doesn't that seem like common sense?... Why do we need to authorize it? Having a discussion and considering all stakeholders... doesn't that make sense? Perhaps there's some sort of prohibition of which I'm unaware?
Going forward though, I feel that the Council may need to take such action more often... "directing" the Town Manager to take action... because I feel the Town Manager often seems unwilling to take action without being directed to do so.
For example, why hasn't the Council seen the April 2006 Energy Commission recommendation to make the Town an Energy Star town? At this point, I feel that I must make a motion at the Council to take action... because, despite my urging over the course of the past year, the Town Manager has not brought this to the Council.
Tim White
Town Council, 4th District
give it up tim you have too much time on your hands in this is all you have to do is worry about some silly wording of the text of some resolution
Last time I looked this is still a free country. What one does with their time is their business. You sound like THE CHESHIRE HERALD. Looking at the details is one of the Council members duties. Keep it up Tim.
7F. When is our lawyer going to respond? A lease written by the leasee and not the leasor needs scrutiny.
3:00 thanks... and I presume the town atty is looking at the lease.
Yes I too am worried about the way the res is worded
We need to have a full investigation and charge all who are guilty of treason and have them hanged at dawn
2:44 says that you worry about the wording of Council resolutions. What a compliment!!
Unlike some other council members who just march in partisan lockstep and shill their pet projects, you actually take the time to examine details and consider the big picture. You're the most conscientious member of the council.
so Tim, what does the wording of the resolution suggest to you? Why does it make a difference? And I agree its a good thing to look at the details!
4:18 Of particular interest to me is the word "authorize."
It suggests that the TM is prohibited from doing this... if so, I'm hoping to learn more details of the prohibition and to, if appropriate, get rid of that prohibition... as this seems to me that this item is largely related to ensuring interested stakeholders are included in the discussion... and I'm a firm believer that having a discussion is a good thing.
And if the TM is not prohibited... then the word "authorize" seems unnecessary... so why include it?
Is it legal to have a raffle? It might be a good cause, but isn't that gambling?
7:42... I'm really not sure. you'd need to ask a lawyer. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of exception... consider "bingo." I think bingo is legal... or at least people seem to play it all over the state.
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