Monday, June 18, 2007

Open forum 6/19

CHS graduation is tonight. If anyone wants two tickets to the graduation, I just left them in my newspaper sleeve (29 Tanglewood Circle, off Bradford Drive, just south of the veterinary hospital). Feel free to take them! Or tell your friends to grab them. I get them as a member of the Council, but I know that I won't be back to Cheshire by 6pm tomorrow.

Here is an article and an opinion piece about the ND. I'd say the tone of each is less than supportive of the ND.

Here's the WRAs take on Termgate (by Lauresha Xhihani).

What else is happening?

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District


Anonymous said...

How do all the Republicans know how Pelton was going to vote on this? I never heard him state his position. That alone gives them a reason to tamper with the dates. I just never heard him say he was against it? Why would Schrumm and Orisini say that, it makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

From reading the W.R.A. newspaper article I ask - Where does Matt Hall get off telling Pelton that if he can get another republican member to step down from WPCA then he (Pelton) would be able to stay on. And as the article went on, Pelton said he "doesn't work that way" so he resigned.

I don't know how many of you out there agree, but I'd say Hall and Esty both should apologize and step down from the council. Their behavior is totally inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

One can only assume that Pelton was against the North End and all the Republicans knew it. Since Schrumm will lie CHEAT and steal to stop the North End it is very easy to conclued that he was behind this.

Anonymous said...

Justin we know it's you. We need more people like Schrumm who has integrity and is willing to fight for the good of Cheshire rather than those that are willing to sell Cheshire for profit and pave it over.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't assume anything as you should know what that means.

The article also states a quote from Ms. Soltis that she was not directed from anyone to alter term dates.

Perhaps it's really the dems that wanted one of their own on before a vote was taken on the zone text change so that the lifestyle center would pass through. This is a more believable senario.

Anonymous said...

"Nobody came in here and coerced me to try to change a term," said Soltis.

Hall and Esty will do anything to discredit anyone that is against their pet project. The article didn't say that Esty found an error in February and she has never been asked why she didn't get steaming back then. Maybe the sewers were not an issue back then.

She has been making every attempt to make it look like there is more capacity than there really is and is hoping the DEP will up the capacity with a pen. Maybe the town's income can be raised 10% with a pen.

Maybe this should be Pengate or W/Sgate.

Anonymous said...

I never heard that Hall or Esty were big supporters of this project. Where did you hear that? It is Schrumm who is so dead set against this project he is the one that everything to gain.

Anonymous said...

"Schrumm who is so dead set against this project."

Hooray for Schrumm! Cheshire needs more people like Schrumm and Pelton, people of integrity.

Esty and Hall should ask Michael Solomon to resign and beg Tim Pelton to return.

They should also make a statement that they are perfectly happy to see the interchange turn into one of the largest shopping centers in New England, 3 or 4 malls and hundreds of more residential units to burden our schools. It's not too late to stop this disaster.

Tim White said...

12:43 said "How do all the Republicans know how Pelton was going to vote on this?"

I'm a Republican. I have no idea about Tim Pelton's feelings on the north end.

Tim White said...

3:06 I've heard that sometimes there are board/commission members who, quite literally, never attend meetings. In those cases, it seems reasonable to me to request someone resign.

I don't know any of the commissions as well as Energy. And while they have had strong attendance in the past few years... a while back, at times they were lucky to get a quorum (4 of 7).

I have no idea if this is the case with WPCA... if WPCA had any members who routinely failed to attend meetings.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:06 I'm just curious to why you think Schrumm has everthing to gain. Why has a past P&Z and council member pushing so hard for this? That's my question. What does he have to gain?

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't the council meeting televised when they voted on this proposal? Shenanigans? Someone should investigate that. It was a perfect example of trying to push something through. Thanks for the P&Z minutes and I wonder when the P&Z votes on this will it be televised?

Anonymous said...

The deal is the Republicans still can't believe that they lost the last election and they are having a very hard time dealing with it. That loss ment that they lost control and Dems would replace them on boards and commissions. They have never reappointed a Dem to any position EVER. Now they are mad that Tim P did not get reappointed, my only answer is this win the next election and it you lose again deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Cheshire Sold to W/S and the other developers.

Cheshire School system for sale.

Anonymous said...

8:25AM What are you talking about? It's the Dems who said Pelton was doing an admiral job and would have been reappointed. Why if this is the case did they make him resign and with no facts to back up their alligations?

Anonymous said...

What a dumb system to even have local elections and appointments done by poltical party.

In Massachusetts and some other states, local candidates run as individuals, not on party slates. Informal coalitions still form around candidates and issues, but its not so rigidly partisan as we're seeing here.

Non-partisan local elections ensure that local candidates and issues get considered more on their actual merits, rather than get poisoned by partisan interests.

Mr. Pelton should have been considered for his years of experience and service, not on the basis of party politics.

Anonymous said...

10:50AM I couldn't agree more!!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the committees - dont they have rules on attendance? If they do not attend, they they should be removed.

Anonymous said...

Much like the 5 Reps. that the Dems. have reappointed. But if they are willing to cheat to have number 6 that is not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I'm constantly seeing references to lying, cheating and stealing. Where has it been proven that anything of sort has happened. There are a number of names and many accusations being thrown around without cause.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:25 Is that all you care about is elections? What about Cheshire and it's citizens? Give me a break.

South End said...

Anon 6:15 You are right. I have heard shenanigans, bad behavior, torquing the system, cheating, record tampering and other not so subtle accusations. But no proof.

I want proof or I want a public apology from the legal duo of Hall and Esty.

Anonymous said...

How do the dates of someone's appointment change without council action?

Anonymous said...

This stinks, I am sure that the investigation will turn-up that, at least, the Clerk doesn't maintain good records.

Anonymous said...

Wow the Herald was rough, what were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

Tim Pelton is a good person and I don’t believe that he had anything to do with this mess, but you might find the following of interest:

A few years ago Republican Keith Robertson resigned from the town council. The Republican nominating committee recommended Sandy Mouris. David Schrumm said no, he wanted TIM PELTON and he said he would NOT support anyone else.

Coincidence? Nothing to do with the present situation?

I doubt it.