Thursday, June 07, 2007

Failure of the body politic

The WRA has a good recap on the problems facing state Senator Lou DeLuca (R-Watertown).

he associated with a man he knew or suspected was involved in organized crime; promised to use his office to do him favors if he asked; lied to an FBI agent; declined to report an attempted bribe, as required by state law; enabled or even assisted a criminal conspiracy that cost commercial and residential customers millions; and engineered a scheme that could have resulted in lethal violence.
Yet Senator DeLuca has not yet stepped down from his leadership position in the state Senate.

But why bother?

Earlier this year, Rep. Pat Dillon (D-New Haven) admitted to driving drunk and Rep. Don Clemons (D-Bridgeport) admitted to having witnessed (and subsequently ignored) a shakedown.

If they face no political consequences, why should Sen. DeLuca?

Seriously though... I'm not sure which is worse... the actions commited by our "leaders" or the failure of the body politic to call for sanctions.

And if you're curious to see Sen. DeLuca's affidavit, the Courant has it here.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Before that partisan shill pipes in that Tim is “angry and bitter” because he criticizes official corruption, let’s be clear:

Tim is an equal opportunity critic of official wrongdoing, be it by Democrats or Republicans. His criticism of Sen. DeLuca won’t gain him any points from his own party in Hartford, but it’s the right thing to do. Tim, keep pushing for honesty and accountability in government!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Tim. I'm probably the only one, but I wasn't aware of the DeLuca issue. You're damned right that the real tragedy here is the failure of the body politic to clean house when there's obvious wrongdoing.

Anonymous said...

Dillon's DUI had nothing to do with her abusing duties. Before he was an state representative, Clemons saw wrongdoing and never went back. DeLuca abused his office and kept going back. There's a difference unles you all think Dick Cheney should resign because of his long ago multiple DUI's. Bush got one too.

Tim White said...

"Before he was an state representative, Clemons saw wrongdoing and never went back."

My understanding is that the Newton/Smith/Clemons meeting happened in early 2004. Clemons was first elected in May 2003.

Tim White said...

CH... thanks.

Anonymous said...

Tim you are angry and bitter it does not matter what the first poster says
He is also angry and bitter