Wednesday, July 29, 2009

09/10 Capital Budget: Open space, West Main & the pool

Here's the overview of the 09/10 capital budget, including open space, West Main Street improvements and the pool:Here are the details for open space:West Main Street improvements:and some of the proposed pool expenditures:As for tonight's capital budget meeting... we discussed the Library and Parks & Rec. The library has nothing in the current year capital budget. P&R has a few items, but I'll post them in due time. My intention is to upload most of the CB to the blog, but to do it in the order in which the budget book is created. That makes it easier for me.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

Ok. someone come here and justify putting pretty sidewalks next to Anderson Tire. First we were told it wasn;t a bad idea since it was "state money" (like we aren't a net "payer" to the state). Now we find the state money only covers half the cost. $400K for a cosmetic project when we are in the worst freaking recession in 75years.

Show your face. Why did we do this anyway?

I say shelve the whole damm thing and send Hartford back their money.

I'll deal with the pool when I cool off from this debacle

Anonymous said...

Before throwing away good money on sidewalks infront of businesses with heavy truck traffic, take a look at the sidewalk near St. Peters. It looks like shit. All the "bricks" are cracked and broken. And that is with foot traffic. What will happen when Strollos tows in an 18 wheeler? Added street lamps will create traffic hazards.

This is a terrible idea that should be denied.

Anonymous said...

Look at who is in charge of this project. I'm not surprised at all. All the brick sidewalks in the center of town are crumbling. Ice and salt causes havoc with cement and bricks. The other problem is that they are on top of a cement base. Tough to fix. I can hear the jackhammers. $$$$$$

Breachway said...

Maybe its time to update the 2002 Open Space Plan. I think purchasing open space is a good idea, but maybe we can take a year or two off....or maybe we can buy another farm and then get shafted into digging wells and rebuilding old barns so a handful of people can pick vegetables. Which people use to do at no cost to the town when we had gardens at Bartlem park...remember those days- when you could actually use a park without reserving it from park and Rec- you know, before the little league tookover everything- spring ball, fall ball, softball....

Anonymous said...

How did Matt Bowman get the job of the West Main Street Chairman? It's ridiculous. How much no bid work does he get from the town?

How many Bowman properties are on West Main?

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against the Bowmans but this is a stupid time to being spending money we don;t have on fancy sidewalks we can live without

Anonymous said...

Spend money on open space. More specifically, buy the Chapman property adjacent to Bartlem Park. Once you own that property, offer to give the Cheshire YMCA the property for free - provided they take ownership of the Community Pool. Trust me, they will do it.

Anonymous said...

The cheapest and last fix for the pool would be to fill it in. 20 tri-axles loaded with clean fill would cost about $500 each or $10,000. No more subsidies, committies, building designing, heat or electricity.