Sunday, July 01, 2007

Chris Murphy at Cheshire Stop n Shop

I have to say... Murphy's press machine is getting pretty good.

I just got an unsolicited email from his office. It mentions his efforts to reach out to the voters of CT-5 and that he will be shaking hands at:

Stop n Shop
Tuesday, July 3
1pm – 3pm

Frankly, I'm impressed that he's doing it. I mean... I think he should do it. But I can't believe that's the norm for sitting congressmen. As well, I'm impressed that his PR people got my email address. Not that it's that hard. But I've got to assume they found it here on the blog. Other than that... I doubt they'd be emailing me. Although... who knows. Regardless... they sought out my email and appear to be giving constituents the full court press in availing him to us. Good on him.

Anyway, thought you might be interested. As for me, if I saw him (which I won't b/c I'll be at work), I'd just remind him to hold his own party accountable... by that I mean the likes of Jack Murtha et al. He campaigned on change. But if the change we get is strictly in majority party, and not in reform of the system... then IMO, there isn't really much change... and we need the swamps of DC cleaned up.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

I've been looking forward to it. In addition to open forums like this, his staff does a great job of handling and returning calls.

Anyone going to ask him about the north-end? He's showing up as a congressman, but he's still a resident. I'm assuming that, like the majority of us, he planned on Cheshire maintaining its identity and character when he purchased his home. So, I'm curious.

(art blog - political blog - gallery)

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to speak with Nancy Johnson !!!

Anonymous said...

For an apology or a confession?
sorry. I couldn't resist. :)


(art blog - political blog - gallery)

Anonymous said...

Yes Cheshire should maintain its a town full of of itself and to snooty to believe that anyone or town is as good as this one....that the schools are so superior to those of our neighbors, that people here are better than our neighbors...yes its a great town Cheshire, if you like living next to a maximum security prison! But its retail development thats the real threat right?

Anonymous said...

Those prisons provide a lot of money in lieu of taxes dope...can you say the same for the mall developers ???

Anonymous said...

anon 16:00, my point, dope, was that Chehsire resident walk aroudn with their noses in the air boasting superiority over those in southington, hamden wallingford etc.......of course when you mention we have a maximum security prison here, they get quiet awfully quick. fact is Cheshire has a reputation for being a snobbish town and it has lived up to that reputation in the 8 years our family has lived here....

Anonymous said...

"my point, dope, was that Chehsire resident walk aroudn with their noses in the air boasting superiority over those in southington, hamden wallingford etc......."

Someone from New Britain once told me something similar. Except, he said it about Southington residents. I'm sure there's a basic pattern there.

I haven't had the same experiences, but I'm not suggesting you haven't felt that way. I would submit though, that the desire to preserve our existing zoning laws does not stem from contempt for outside towns or a dislike of development.

Every town has a plan. That plan should help the residents grow a successful, safe, and enjoyable town. If some nearby town lacks such stewardship and gets hit with a deluge of sprawl, instead of feeling irked at some other town with a smart plan for growth, they should kick their own bums out of office and make change happen.

(art blog - political blog - gallery)

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 8:29:00 AM

Your the real dope. Why the do you live here? Go some place where people are just like you and you can find them in an institution.

What a mean spirited person you are. I bet you even think your family is snooty. It's you fellow.

Anonymous said...

The Town of Cheshire has some great examples of "snootyness" if that is a word, and we have managed to elect them into office. I am speaking of Esty and Hall!! Both are the true DOPES !!!

Anonymous said...

They may be a lot of things but they are not dopes.

Anonymous said...

They are not dopes but they don't represent the average Cheshire citizen.

Anonymous said...

Who has the right to ask why someone lives in town or should move out? Obviously todays date has no meaning for some people.

Anonymous said...

The following Poll is similar to the type that the Cheshire Herald runs. You may vote as many times as you want.

This week's question is;

What best describes the Cheshire Herald?

1. It makes up the news and twists
the facts.
2. It likes to name call.
3. It's irresponsible.
4. Big supporters of special