Sunday, December 10, 2006

Vietnam War Memorial

A week or two ago I was watching MSNBC's Hardball. David Schuster was giving his report on the (then-soon-to-be-released) Iraq Study Group report. His report started out with an analogy between Vietnam and Iraq, specifically mentioning the evidence that was presented to the American public in the leadup to each war.

I don't recall how he characterized the evidence that was used as justification for each war... it may have been "faulty." Or "doctored." Or even "falsified." I really don't recall. (Although I know there was some negative connotation to it.) Regardless of the precise words he chose, the analogy stuck in my mind.

Frankly, I don't know if there was falsified evidence used by the current administration in the leadup to this war. I keep hearing conflicting reports which claim to prove or disprove the legitimacy of the evidence presented. I certainly hope there was no falsified evidence and have yet to see any "smoking gun."

But I do know that the Vietnam War was based on a lie and a coverup of the events that actually occured in the Gulf of Tonkin. How do I know? It was my own dad who told the world. He told the world through a relatively simple letter to the NH Register that was soon noticed by LBJ, Senator Fulbright, Moscow and beyond. His brief story is right here.

So if you're curious about getting a quick recap on the events (and lies) that led up to the Vietnam War, please click thru and read my dad's brief story. It speaks volumes about the US Government's capabilities to lie and deceive... and to the need for outspoken citizen involvement in our government.

This is one major reason why I strongly support us getting the Vietnam War Memorial to come to town. It reminds us of the sacrifices made. Sacrifices made that were based on the actions of our leaders. Leaders who are elected by us.

Tim White
Town Council

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unforuately, the US can't win wars anymore. The last war we won was WWII and we won it with Atomic Weapons.

Politicans and the Public have no guts. You either use all your force and power or do not bother.

War by definition means there will be blood spilled. With the advent of 24 hour news and the internet. The public's taste for victory at all costs no longer exists.