Friday, December 01, 2006

CERC & telecommuting

Released yesterday was a report by the Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC), a nonprofit funded primarily by utilities.

The Register's Cara Baruzzi reported:

Hindered by job loss, a slow-growing and aging population, struggling urban centers and an exodus of young people, Connecticut is losing ground when it comes to economic competitiveness, according to a study released Thursday. The study, titled "Benchmarking Connecticut 2006: Determinants of Economic Growth," should serve as a wake-up call to both the public and private sector that changes are needed to reverse the trends, said Jeff Blodgett, vice president of the Connecticut Economic Resource Center.
She also included in the article:
The key to reversing some of the trends, business leaders agreed, is a partnership between the private and public sector to devise specific strategic goals.
Lots of thoughts come to mind for me on this. But one word in particular popped into my head:


I haven't heard anyone in CT mention that as a potential option for helping address some of our woes. But I have to run to work now, so more on that later.

Tim White
Town Council, 4th District

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