Outstanding working relationship with town hall
Matt Altieri is the hardest-working Council Dem. I appreciate that. But I also disagree with him on a number of issues, for example: the turf.
The election is about a month away. And I fully expect that he will stick by his guns and continue advocating the turf through the election and into the next term. But he's also campaigning on his:
"outstanding working relationship with town hall."I wonder if he'll still have that in his campaign platform by November 3?
Tim White
You put your finger on the difference between R's and D's.
"A good working relationship with Town Hall" is a big deal to big government guys. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours.
R's will Direct, D's take orders.
Boy its amazing what a few years on town council will do. Do you think Altieri needs an updated file photo?
Matt Altieri's days are numbered on TC. He is out out of touch with the residents here. His friends Milone and Florio are on a short-leash at this point and not far behind him.
Anne Giddings is going to wipe the floor with Matt Altieri this upcoming election.
So he admits that he's failed to do his job which is to supervise, not scratch the back of the town executive.
It's definitely time for changes on the council and in the TM's office.
Saying Altieri is "fiscally responsible" is like saying Chris Dodd is "ethically pure". What a bold-faced lie. Altieri spends our tax dollars faster than Dodd can accept gifts from lobbyists.
Was the most lucrative teacher's contract in the state "fiscally responsible" , Matt?
Was letting the pool debacle languish for four years "fiscally responsible"?
Was wasting our scarce state grant money on pretty sidewalks and toxic turf "fiscally responsible"?
Time for New Blood!!!
"Beware the people weeping
when they bare the iron hand."
- Herman Melville
Next council: 6 Rep, 3 Dem
He is out of touch with economic reality and a legend in his own mind.
I was chuckling on the couch last night and my wife said "what are you laughing at"...I showed her Altieri's campaign ad and gave her a little history...
I think he will get Milone's vote
Has Ecke come out with his CPA campaign ad yet?
“It is high time for us to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
"Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would sell your (town) for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money."
- Oliver Cromwell, 1635
(in dismissing the tyrannical Parliament)
"He is out of touch with economic reality and a legend in his own mind."
The same can be said of any democrat in this town although Altieri is by far the most removed from reality.
The problem is that the democrats will outspend the republicans on advertising this election.
Unfortunately, most folks will buy the propaganda.
I as an unaffiliated (sp) voter am tired of the Democrat this and Republican that political pandering. How about getting a group of people that have Cheshire in mind, first and foremost, and put all this political BS behind. The problem with this town, and country for that matter, is too many are worried about thier party position and not about those to whom they claim to represent. Both parties can take pop shots at the other over a variety of subjects. Its embarrassing, all should grow up......
hey Tim, I heard from several places around town that the police union unanimously voted no confidence in the chief today. Is this true? Whats going to happen?
"How about getting a group of people that have Cheshire in mind, first and foremost, and put all this political BS behind."
Exactly why I'm voting all Republican. It's the democrats that are spending out of control. It's the democrats that are pushing this turf field project. It's the democrats steering all the school & town jobs to their "pet" contractor. It's the democrats that have dragged their feet on resolving the pool issues. It's the democrats that refused to look at performance contracting until just recently and only because it's an election year. It's the democrats that created the higher fund balance policy holding onto more of our tax dollars. It's the democrats that wasted 20K on a pool consultant and 50K on a pavement mgmt system. etc etc
Anon. 7:41
You simplistically dismiss of some very real problems in town, which 8:18 has summed up well. There are some very real differences between the two parties on how to handle these issues. Elections are about the voters fleshing out differences between the candidates. Don’t be so holier than thou.
Wow. There sure are big problems in this town if the police officers have unanimously voted
'No Confidence' in their chief. All 40-plus officers. What the heck is going on with town management? Tim, can you update what is happening?
How about the $200,000 wasted on the bus contract, is that no a waste?
The TC did the right thing in sending out the bus contract to bid. The question is why did the bus company give one price with no bid and a higher price with the bid? What changed?
They are in business to make money and could charge more because of the start up costs.
I asked the cop question on 09/29 on the Ann Giddings video. Tim deleted it without explanation. Tim must be taking directions from staff? or somethings are up for discussion and somethings aren't?
I saw that you deleted the original comment about the vote of no confidence towards the police chief.
Rather than delete a comment with no explanation why, you really need to explain it to us.
Was there really a vote or is someone making it up.
Don't let this drag out if it isn't true. You need to find out.
Exactly why I'm voting all Republican...
.Elections are about the voters fleshing out differences between the candidates
Don’t be so holier than thou.
- exactly my point made, "Im voting all republican", candidates are individuals not thier party. All I am looking for is a person, an individual who is not afraid to call a spade a spade. How about having the courage to stand up and do whats right regardless of party groupthink. As far as being holier than thou, is it wrong to look for fundemental truth and fairness regardless of being a DEM or REP. The mudslinging and ugly tactics is what I am tired of. Run on your beliefs and your strengths, not by pointing fingers and placing blame.
Anonymous said...
How about the $200,000 wasted on the bus contract, is that no a waste?
October 02, 2009 11:45 PM
All contracts coming near an end should be sent out to bid...period.
Don't talk about wasting money - The democrats are pushing through their turf project which is a huge waste of money that will burden the taxpayers further as it will only increase the school budget with $600K or more in replacement costs, added insurance expense, added maintenance costs etc.
I as an unaffiliated (sp) voter am tired of the Democrat this and Republican that political pandering. How about getting a group of people that have Cheshire in mind, first and foremost, and put all this political BS behind.
This is exactly why I am running for the BOE this year under the Republican ticket. I believe the Republican party in Cheshire is putting forth the best candidates that will address your point.
You will not find me bashing my democrat opponents nor pointing the finger. I'm looking to solve real problems, bring real responsibility to the table and, more importantly, restore faith to folks like yourself that we are INDEED looking out for the best interests of Cheshire. Period. And yes, the BOE needs to consider the best interests of our students AND the residents of Cheshire.
The only way I know how to do that is to get involved, roll up my sleeves and tackle problems and look for opportunities without bringing emotion or irresponsible spending to the table.
Please feel free to email me or phone me if you'd like to speak further about your concerns. I'd be more than happy to sit down with you and talk shop.
Tony Perugini
What could the town have done with the $200k? It is a shane the R's wasted that money!!! I think they wasted money on the trash contract and they want to run the town? What would be next?
The democrats legacy at this point in time is a failed public pool cover...flubbing the bus contract negotiations (started too late, which is why they asked for a bid waiver FYI.)...and soon an unfunded turf field...the burden is left with the taxpayers.
Cheshire Democrats: The town's choice of Burden...should be the motto.
My friend who is a family member of a Cheshire cop says that the police officers have indeed voted No Confidence in chief Cruess. She says it was unanimous and that it happened Friday. Tim, what will you and the town do about it?
What could the town have done with the $200k?
Lets think that through.
For $200K we could have said the hell with our standard operating procedure, lets give the contract to one vendor. We don't need to follow policy. Thats a good use of $200K.
Better yet, lets ask Altieri & Ecke why they would ask the state for $525K for artificial turf and neglect the pool. Even better then that, lets get the tax payers to foot the bill for new locker rooms rather than use the $525K.
Lets talk some moe, I got more than a million wasted dollars caused by the current majority.
I'd bet if the town routinely followed its own policies concerning competitive bidding there would be no discussion now concerning a special sweet heart deal offered by one particular vendor.
What is most upsetting concerning all the hype and discussion on the bus contract is the lack of any concern on the part of school officials and municipal employees who provide tax payers with a vision of a group of town employees waiting to be told by a current vendor just what to do to keep that current vendor. That's not what town employees get so highly paid to do.
Town procurement activities associated with a bus contractor should have been more timely and the town should have been more prescriptive up front.
Altieri boasts of his “outstanding working relationship with town hall.”
Well, Altieri and Milone are pals, but apparently neither of them have good working relationships with the police officers or other town employees.
Wow it is true $200K wasted!!! And those guys want to run the town NO thanks.
If the waste in town government is only 200,000 we're in better shape than I thought.
Under Matt Hall's Democrat rule the special interest groups have had Cheshire as their private ATM. The taxpayers fill the coffers and the Dems, through their cronyism disperse, the money. When there's not enough money, they raise the taxes or use increase nour debt.
Cheshire in reality is run be an affiliation of developers, realtors, landowners, and local good ole boy service companies. Using their local Democratic Town Chairman to select candidates that do the bidding of the affiliation, and it's done under the guise of serving the public.
For Cheshire to move ahead, we need a complete replacement of all the Dems on the town council with people who really represent the residents.
If I follow your theory which republican is connected to the bus company? $200k is a big handout.
What you must mean is "Who screwed up the bus contract negotiations by not sending it out to bid in a timely manner?"
What you must mean is "Who screwed up the bus contract negotiations by not sending it out to bid in a timely manner?"
BINGO! I'm tired of the finger pointing between the dems and reps on the Town Council. Enough is enough. All are at fault with this bus contract...it was members on both sides of the fence as well as Mr. Florio that were, and still are, in favor sending all contracts out to bid. So...screw the politics for a change, accept responsibility and let's solve the problem. Because it's a local election year...the dems will point fingers at the reps and vice-versa...BORING. Get the job done right or get out on 11/3.
"... in favor sending all contracts out to bid."
Are you saying we shouldn't put these jobs out to bid?
You have to be kidding me.
If that were the case, Matt Bowman would have gotten the Norton Boiler project a lot earlier for a lot more money. Who's to say the bus contracts and the trash contracts wouldn't have been lower? Monday morning quarterbacks always seem to appear here.
We must follow protocol.
The better quetion is why did these 2 get higher bids??
1 other question, if, God forbid, Bowman wins, does he have to stop doing business for the town? I sure hope so or that will be a major conflict of interest.
I was also thinking that as a member of the Chamber, I don't like that our president is running for TC. Especially since he was in favor of the Life Center that would directly compete with many of the members.
1 last thing---I hope the republicans can pull out the editorial the Cheshire Herald did whe DeCaprio sat in the audience chit chatting with a friend while the meeting was going on. W need to remind the town the type of member she is---does anyone know her absentee record?
Unfortunately, if voters don't show up in strong numbers on 11/3 then nothing will change. I hope the many folks on this site that voice their support for the (R) candidates this election will actually show up and vote. Otherwise, Altieri will continue to profit from our misery.
1. Altieri was on the negotiating team for the teachers union in Wallingford. When contracts come up the unions always look to surrounding towns for "look what they got for an increase" evidence to support their cries for more money and benefits. Do you think Altieri will EVER provide fair representation for Cheshire citizens when it comes to BOE spending and teachers contracts? He voted with the D's to give 4.4% raises every year for the next three years in the very month when the financial structure of this country was melting down. That alone should disqualify someone from being re-elected.
2. As for turf, its seems that the D's are dancing the issue around the floor until after the elction. Same thing with the "pool" resolution. Push it off until after people vote...when it is too late.
Altieri may be hard working....too bad he is working hard to do the wrong things!
7-2 R Council...please!
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