Norton School results
Here are the official numbers from Norton School: Wow. Dems turned out. Republicans not so much... I wonder if that's a trend that will continue into November.
One other thing on trends... though I haven't documented this, I'm pretty sure that Norton School is a bit of a bellweather for the CT-5.
As for Ron Paul... though he's obviously not winning, I'm feeling pretty good. At the polls tonight, I had several Rs tell me that they were sympathetic to his message. And in New Hampshire, I had a number of people tell me that he said good things. So I take that as an indication that regardless of his election results, he has had a real impact on this election so far. And the message (a strict interpretation of the US Constitution) is one that I felt needed to be heard.
Go Ron Paul! Go US Constitution!
Tim White
How were you able to vote 20 times?
The trend you speak about has happened all across the country. In almost all states the dems have turned out twice as many voters as the Rep's. Does this send a message?
dog, cat, 3 fish
And since my fish go by several different nicknames (Blinky is also known as Jaws) they got to vote multiple times! Sure... a few people looked at my Japanese Fighting Fish, Joey Ramone, walking in on his fins... but a vote's a vote!
George... I think so.
If he had won, would he pick "Uncommitted" as his running mate?
After 8 years of Georgie the R's don't have a chance. He has been officially crowned "Worst President in History". As Bush always says "it's hard work" but he really deserves the title.
Hey pal, the one-term Jimmy Carter never relinquished the crown.
I also offer that that "history" is pretty short.
There was a guy to precede FDR who was not so well-liked. And Honest Abe's successor certainly angered a few of his former colleagues.
Look for a Republican in the Whitehouse in 2009. The public will be doing a cost benefit analysis and in the end they will decide a Democrats will fully bankrupt our treasury and crush our economy funding their promises.
It's "hard work" for George W because he never worked a day in his life. Now we will pay his pension and guards the rest of his life. He never has to" work hard" another day in his life. Let's not forget health insurance.
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