Some budget info
Here's a breakdown of the $848,300 tax refund I mentioned earlier (click on images to enlarge): And as usual, Rep. Mary Fritz is staying on top of this... with the state government's explanation of the tax refund here:
Related to the budget, but separate from the tax refund, here's a breakdown of the town's $2,059,491 budget surplus for '06/'07:
And last, but not least, here's a copy of David Schrumm's resolution for a proposed "Taxpayer's Relief Fund":
Tim White
Town Council, Budget Committee
Thank you MR. Schrumm for looking out for the taxpayers...
After the audit the surplus might be more...
Yes thank you dave for wasting our time and money on the lin trail
Thanks Dave for all that you've done...You always have had the best interest of the taxpayers in mind! You will be greatly missed on the council as will Mr. Orsini.
7:51 AM
If the linear park is such a waste of time and money how is it that is has been one of the town's most widely used and appreciated amenities for some 15 plus years? I see you're up pretty early. Take a hike, use your wheel chair, your rollerblades or your bike or walk your dog. Get a breath of fresh air it will do you wonders!
05 ref it was the biggest loser beside the republicans
7:51:00 AM
Why don't you complain about all the money we will pay to support the NE mega mall, and all the educational costs of the mall children. Thank the Democrats for pushing this taxpayer sink hole on us and thank the owners Doug Calcagni and Paul Bowman.
We will never ever get a positive return for all our taxpayer money that will be wasted on this. This is a net negative for Cheshire.
Did three republicans on P&Z vote for this? If it is a sink hole it is town sink hole not a republican or democratic one.
A motion was made at the Town Council level to remove the residential - that was voted on mostly along party lines. The Democrats voted for keeping residential, Republicans voted against residential (except for Tim). The P&Z was another story, they all voted for it except for two (one Republican and one Dem) But I have to agree this is being pushed through by both Republicans and Democrats (Marty Coburn being the loudest proponent). It's sad that our elected officials have so little regard for the town and it's residents. To do this without an independent study is a crime. We'll be looking at this later like we now look at the pool debacle.
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