Wednesday, September 26, 2007

CTs new voting machines

Tonight's Council meeting included a presentation from the Registrars of Voters. During the presentation, they mentioned a video. I'm pretty sure this is the video. And if you haven't seen this video, please consider watching it and forwarding it to friends and family who live in CT. This will be important information to know in another six weeks! Btw, I know I've posted this video before, but I'll probably be posting it several times between now and Election Day.

Tim White

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what we have to look forward to with the new "high-end' optical voting machines

A stolen election in Washington state? Not if bloggers can help it.

"Some 1 out of 20 ballots in King County that officials felt were marked unclearly were "enhanced" with Wite-Out or pens so that some had their original markings obliterated."

"Mr. Gorton notes that Sam Reed, the Republican secretary of state who certified Ms. Gregoire's victory, issued a report in 2003 noting that King County's sloppy election procedures could lead to just this sort of election meltdown. "The county is not consistent in their ballot enhancement procedures," Mr. Reed's report concluded. "Ballot enhancement, while done in full view of political observers, did not use the procedures outlined in the Washington Administrative Code. Inconsistencies in how this procedure is handled significantly increase the possibility of a successful election contest."