Monday, September 10, 2007

Bell at St. Peter's

St. Peter’s Episcopal Church has received a nearly $50,000 grant from the state Commission on Culture and Tourism to help restore its bell tower. The $49,900 grant from the Historic Preservation and Museum Division of the commission will help pay for the $90,000 second phase of the restoration project, waterproofing the tower’s exterior masonry and installing a mechanism to make it ring, said Tom Peters, senior warden of the church....

The bell has hung in the tower for 125 years, donated by a group of parishioners in 1881. The church has been in its location at 59 Main St. since the mid-1700s. St. Peter’s is not the only house of worship in town with a bell: St. Bridget’s Roman Catholic Church and the First Congregational Church have working bells.

NHR, by Luther Turmelle


Anonymous said...

So much for separation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

we can;t afford to lock up felons but we can afford to fix bells?

Anonymous said...

Cheshire Lutheran Church has a working Bell that is at least 55 years old. It was purhased from The former St. Bridgets Mission Church on Highland Avenue which is now home to Gregmans Jewelers. It is suspended from a truss frame in front of the church in an area desigated as the Bell Garden.

Lutherans Recycle too.