Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Public hearing on bgt on Thursday

If you'd like your voice to be heard, please attend the public hearing on Thursday (7:30pm at Town Hall) and speak your mind. Based on comments tonight, it appears the majority is set to increase taxes by 0.63 mills this year. That would be a 4.25% spending increase... including probably both a full-time custodian for the pool and $14,000 for another strategic plan... among other gems.

Please come out and share your thoughts with the Council.

Tim White


Anonymous said...

$14,000 again for something that is not needed and it better not go the the person who did it before. That person is now on the EDC. If we can do impact studies in house on huge developments why can't we do our own plan and save the money?

Anonymous said...

This $14,000 better not go to Justin Adinalfi. Doesn't he work for W/S?

Is it a way to subsidize an excouncil person's life style.

This work should be done by the Town Planner. At $100,000 or more a year, he should be able to do it, and if he can't then we should get a new town planner.

Anonymous said...

Tim, I was just watching a replay of the public hearing from last week. Did I hear it correctly that the town's fund balance will be 11%? I know the TC created the (unnecessary) fund balance policy which says the balance should be maintained at 8 - 9%. So my question is how much in dollars is this 3% excess? Is it an extra 3 million? Whatever excess there ends up being should be used to offset any tax increase.

Anonymous said...

We have been overtaxed. No tax increases this year please...

Anonymous said...

The only strategic plan we need is to replace a few of these Town Council members that want to continue to spend money, not consider paying for the tax increase with the surplus and want to pay for another strategic plan.