List of town vehicles
In a recent post, I mentioned the town's gas use policy. My thoughts there led to some discussion about the town's fleet. So here's the most recent list (June 30, 2004) that I have handy. Additionally, if you read the list, you'll notice I was incorrect in saying the town (excl. schools) had 170 vehicles. (I recalled that number from this list.) However, as you can see, the "170" includes 23 school vehicles. Also worth mentioning is that a few of these "assets" are something other than vehicles, such as generators, chippers, etc.Tim White
Hopefully in the future they will look into more energy efficient vehicles. I notice a lot of SUV's on that list and wonder if those gas guzzling vehicles are really necessary for the people using them?
we don't need that many vechicles
Lets go back to the days of the Flintstones and be really conservatives
Back to the days of the CAVEMEN
Around 168 vehicles. I'm surprised but not shocked. Thanks for getting that info.
get rid of all the autos
let em walk
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