Monday, February 23, 2009

Ruocco encourages attendance at Feb 24 Council meeting

There will be a special joint meeting of the Town Council and Board of Education on February 24. The meeting will will immediately follow an earlier 6:45 meeting of the Council. All citizens are encouraged to attend. I do not know if public comments will be allowed, as there are no action items. However, the budget issues are very important this year to so many of you, that you may want to start now in understanding what the Council plans to do. We all need to understand what is putting so much pressure on the budget and taxpayers.

The agenda is here. It's very light on detail, and part of our meeting may be held during Executive session. However, the overall theme of the meeting is the budget process and should be discussed to some extent in public.

Some details may include, but would not be limited to the Transportation contract; the Stimulus Package (specifically the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Grant); Medical Benefits and the trust fund, and the Employee Bargaining Units.

Additional discussion items may also involve the Capital Non-Recurring fund and its impact on the Education budget, the potential funds that could be available from the Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority and the possibility of developing the FY’10 budget with a multi-year time line in mind.

Thank you once again. Please send along any thoughts you may have.

Tom Ruocco


Anonymous said...

I bet you a dollar (that's all I can afford at the moment,) that you can double the resident attendance at this meeting compared to the last meeting if you make it a wine and cheese event. Honestly, I wish the chambers would be overflowing, but not to many people care anymore. They have lost faith in this Council. It doesn't matter what "We the people" say, it wont change one vote on the council.


Anonymous said...

I bet you a dollar (that's all I can afford at the moment,) that you can double the resident attendance at this meeting compared to the last meeting if you make it a wine and cheese event. Honestly, I wish the chambers would be overflowing, but not to many people care anymore. They have lost faith in this Council. It doesn't matter what "We the people" say, it wont change one vote on the council.